
SERIES 0000: Mission, Goals & Objectives

0200 Goals/Objectives for Thomaston Public Schools

Five Year Strategic Operating Plan

On September 30, 2020 and October 5, 2020, an Ad Hoc Committee of the Thomaston Board of Education reviewed and updated the Five-Year District Strategic Operating Plan. By consensus, the Ad Hoc Committee of the Thomaston Board of Education defined the actions for a five-year district strategic plan.

Action Plan

The Five-Year District Strategic Operating Plan shall include self-promotion actions to be taken each school year:

• Complete a comprehensive review of all District educational programs and resources,

• Review, update and extend the curriculum review and revisions calendar,

• Review, update and extend the Five-Year Teaching and Learning Plan,

• Review and update the Student Recruitment and Retention Plan,

• Review and update the prioritized list of facility maintenance and safety/security projects by school building,

• Create a list of specific actions to increase student achievement, and

• Create a list of specific mid-year and year-end student performance goals by grade-level and/or subject.

For each of the seven actions identified by the Board of Education, an Action Team will be identified to develop plans for implementation. Each action team will meet to complete the step by-step directions, timelines, assignments of responsibilities, and cost-benefit analyses for their assigned action. The final action plan will be implemented according to the specified timeline. The Action Team will provide an annual report of outcomes to the Board of Education.

Policy adopted: January 4, 2021 THOMASTON PUBLIC SCHOOLS Thomaston, Connecticut

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