
SERIES 0000: Mission, Goals & Objectives


Commitment to Religious Neutrality (Prayer in the Schools)

It is the policy of the Board of Education to not prevent or otherwise deny participation in, constitutionally protected prayer in the district’s schools, consistent with guidance issued by the U.S. Secretary of Education, and applicable judicial decisions interpreting the religion clauses of the First Amendment of the U.S. Constitution.

This policy supersedes any other Board policy that might be inconsistent with it.

(cf. 1140 - Distribution of Materials to and by Students)

(cf. 4118.21 – Academic Freedom)

(cf. 6115 – Religious Ceremonies)

(cf. 6115.1 – Religious Observances and Displays)

(cf. 6115.11 – Graduation Exercises – Prayer)

(cf. 6141.2 – Separation of Church and State)

(cf. 6141.21 – Religion in the Public Schools)

(cf. 6144 – Controversial Issues)

(cf. 6144.1 – Exemption from Instruction)

(cf. 6145 – Extra-Class Activities)

(cf. 6162.51 – Student Surveys)

(cf. 6145.3 – Distribution of Printed Matter, Freedom of School Press; Publications) (cf. 9030.1 – Religious Guidelines)

Legal Reference:                  Connecticut General Statutes

                                               10-16a Silent meditation.

                                               10-15c Discrimination in public schools prohibited.

                                               Lee v. Weisman, 112 S. Ct. 2649 (1992).

                                               Jones v. Clear Creek Independent School District, 977 F. 2d 963 (5th Cir.                                                                                 1992).

                                               Harris v. Joint School District, 41 F.3d 447 (9th Cir., 1994).

                                               American Civil Liberties Union of NJ v. Black Horse Pike Regional Board

                                               of Education, 84 F.3d 1471 (3rd Cir., 1996).

                                               20 U.S.C. 7904 (No Child Left Behind Act of 2001)

Policy adopted: December 8, 2014 THOMASTON PUBLIC SCHOOLS Thomaston, Connecticut

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