
SERIES 1000 Community Relations

1000 Concept, Goals and Roles in Community Relations

The Board of Education recognizes that the community, defined broadly as the state and specifically as the area served by the school system, determines the quality of local education. It is imperative that members of the community and the school personnel cooperate in planning, developing policy, implementing programs and evaluating results.

School-community relations are not merely reporting and interpreting. Rather, they are part of a public enterprise in which community members and school personnel play their respective roles in the best interests of the school district.

The Board of Education establishes the following goals for the community relations program:

 1. To increase public understanding of the school system.

 2. To increase community confidence and interest in the school system.

 3. To promote effective dissemination of information concerning school activities.

 4. To solicit community opinions about the school system.

 5. To encourage the sharing of resources among civic and community organizations for the benefit of the     school system.

Policy adopted: April 13, 2015 THOMASTON PUBLIC SCHOOLS Thomaston, Connecticut

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