
SERIES 1000 Community Relations

1110 Media of Communication- Distribution of Printed Material

The Board of Education recognizes that from time to time students may wish to distribute printed material to others about school or school related groups or activities with which they themselves are involved. However, the Board has not created, and does not intend to create, an open public forum in its schools, but intends to maintain a narrowly limited public forum for information directly related to the Board's schools and students. The Board's overriding duty is to preserve an orderly educational environment free of unwarranted litter, disruption or potential violations of election referendum or campaign lobbying law. To balance the various interests, whenever a student or group wishes to distribute literature within a school, the following rules shall apply.

1. The content and distribution of printed material by a school sponsored group or club should first be discussed and                approved by the Building Principal.

2. Parents or students wishing to distribute printed information concerning school-related groups or activities must first ask      permission of the Building Principal. Similarly, students wishing to distribute material regarding a student-related group, club, activity or event with which they are personally involved must first ask their classroom teacher or the Building Principal.

3. The Board reserves the right, through discretion exercised by the Building Principal or his/her designee, to refuse                  permission to distribute literature, particularly if deemed offensive, inappropriate, or likely to disrupt the school environment. Factors to be considered include the age of the students to whom the information is to be distributed or who are likely to obtain copies. Further, the Building Principal or his/her designee is authorized to take reasonable steps to prevent or minimize litter.

 4. Outside groups or clubs are not allowed to distribute printed information on school grounds unless material is student           related and the Superintendent has given permission.

5. The means of distributing printed information will vary from building to building, and also depending on whether the               information relates to a school-sponsored or school-related matter.

6. School-wide or class-wide distribution of materials for school or school sponsored groups or activities will be overseen by the Building Principal.

7. Distribution of school-related literature will also be determined on a building by building basis by the Building Principal.          Building Principals may elect to designate a table or area for distribution of student-related literature.

8. Individuals or groups dissatisfied with a decision or action regarding the distribution of literature should speak with the          Building Principal. Matters not resolved at that level may be referred to the Superintendent or designee.

Policy adopted: April 13, 2015 THOMASTON PUBLIC SCHOOLS Thomaston, Connecticut

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