
SERIES 1000 Community Relations

1140 Students/Community

1140 (a)

Non-School Activities

The Board of Education recognizes that worthy educational values may be served by student participation in civic and community affairs when such performances contribute to the educational process and objectives of that particular class and when they do not interfere with other classes or activities within the school. Student participation in appropriate civic and community affairs is encouraged. School groups and individuals may, with the permission of Principals, participate in local public events which fall into the following classifications:

1. Events sponsored by the schools. Educational events in which the school serves as host shall have  priority.

2. Community functions organized in the interests of the school, such as those originated by the P.T.A/O. or other parent group.

3. Noncommercial civic occasions of community, county, state, or national interest of sufficient breadth to  enlist general            interest and cooperation.

4. Events that are primarily patriotic in nature, such as Veteran's Day.

5. Charity benefit activities, provided such activities have been specifically approved in advance by the  superintendent.

6. Programs sponsored by established character-building agencies, or programs sponsored jointly by the  school system and mass communication media, of a public nature.

School groups may not participate in events in any of the following classifications: In questionable cases such requests for participation shall be referred to the Superintendent of Schools for review and approval:

1. Events that are for the purpose of private gain or for the advertising of any commercial project  or product. A school name, the names of school-sponsored groups or school equipment shall  not be exploited in commercial events.

 2. Events that are for the furtherance of any politically partisan interest. In questionable cases the  matter shall be referred to the board of education.

 3. Events that further any specific religious agenda.

 4. Events which cause undue interference with regular school programs, or which cause  excessive absences from                   rehearsals or preparation.


Distribution of Materials by Students

Printed materials may be distributed to parents by students as inexpensive means of mass communications providing:

1. The materials relate to the school, community, local recreational or civic activities.

2. The materials do not relate to any religious belief or activity, or promote private gain, or political position.

3. The materials do not promote any political party or candidate.

Except for requests from parent-teacher organizations, Board appointed citizens' ad hoc advisory committees, or other school-connected organizations, requests from groups or individuals to have students distribute materials parents or other citizens of the community will be referred to the Superintendent of Schools for approval.

On issues to be decided at referenda, information distributed by school personnel or Board of Education members, whether through students or otherwise, may only provide information on the time, date, and location of the referenda and may not advocate positions on the referenda questions.

Legal Reference:    Connecticut General Statutes

                               9-369 Explanatory test relating to local questions

Policy adopted:  April 13, 2015   THOMASTON PUBLIC SCHOOLS Thomaston, Connecticut

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