
SERIES 1000 Community Relations

1205 Agenda Format/Preparation and Dissemination

To expedite the business of the Board, the Superintendent in cooperation with the Board Chairperson shall prepare an agenda outlining the matters to be brought to the Board's attention.

The basic format of the agenda may include but shall not be limited to:

    1. Call to Order,

    2. Approval of Agenda,

    3. Approval of Minutes,

    4. Recognitions, Presentations,

    5. School Principals’ and Director’s Report,

    6. Superintendent's Report,

    7. Student Representatives’ Report,

    8. Reports of Standing Committees,

    9. Executive Session (as needed), Public Commentary, and

   10. Adjournment.

Items of business may be suggested by any Board member and shall be included on the agenda as per Thomaston Public Schools Bylaw 9323. Items of business may also be suggested by any staff member or citizen of the district, but inclusion of such items on the written agenda shall be at the discretion of the Superintendent and the Board Chairperson.

The Board shall follow the order of business set up by the agenda unless the order is altered or new items added by general consent of the Board during the meeting. Business not included on the agenda may be considered and acted upon if two-thirds of the members vote to do so. In the event Board of Education business is not concluded by 11:00 p.m., a motion to continue the meeting beyond that hour must be made and approved.

The regular meeting agenda, together with all supporting materials, shall be distributed to Board members prior to Board meetings to permit them to give items of business careful consideration. 

                                                                                                                                                   1205 (b)

The agenda for regular meetings shall be available to the public and filed at least 24 hours before the meeting in the Board of Education office and in the office of the Town Clerk. The agenda shall also be made available to the press and representatives of the community and staff groups upon request. 

(cf. 9323 – Construction of the Agenda)

(cf. 9325.2 – Order of Business)

(cf. 9325 – Meeting Conduct)

Legal Reference:         Connecticut General Statutes

                                     1-225 Meetings of government agencies to be public. Recording of votes. Schedule and agenda of                                         meetings to be filed. Notice of special meeting. Executive sessions. (subsection (a) re agenda) 

Policy adopted:      April 13, 2015      THOMASTON PUBLIC SCHOOLS Thomaston, Connecticut

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