
SERIES 1000 Community Relations

1311.1 Political Activities of School Employees

School employees are encouraged to assume full responsibilities as citizens of a democracy.

Performance of Civic Duties by Employees

Employees should perform their civic duties commensurate with democratic ideals. These duties may include:

  1. Voting and taking an interest in current social, political, and economic issues.
  2. Exercising democratic rights and responsibilities shared with other citizens. These rights and privileges may include:
  3. Participating in political campaigns.
  4. Holding an office in a political party organization.
  5. Serving as a delegate to political party conventions.

Individual Responsibility in Participating in Political Functions

Employees engaging in political activities shall:

  1. Realize their obligation to their work as educators.
  2. Help others understand that employee opinions and actions are expressed as individuals and not as representatives of the educational institution.
  3. Engage in no political activities on school premises during school hours.
  4. Employees shall not influence student or other employees regarding their own political beliefs.

Legal Reference: Connecticut General Statutes

  • 7-421 Political activities of classified municipal employees.
  • 7-421b Limitation on restriction of political rights of municipal.
  • 10-156e Employees of boards of education permitted to serve as elected officials; exception.

Policy adopted: April 13, 2015 THOMASTON PUBLIC SCHOOLS Thomaston, Connecticut

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