
SERIES 1000 Community Relations

1360 Awards and Scholarships

Community Relations

Awards and Scholarships

Any award or scholarship proposed for presentation in the Thomaston Public Schools which originates outside the school system must be submitted to the Board of Education for approval. The Board of Education reserves the right to accept or rejects any such proposed award or scholarship. The schools of the Thomaston school system may establish and maintain a system of awards and scholarships which originate within a school in the system for the purpose of recognizing student achievement or special merit. In each such case, any award or scholarship which originates within a school must be submitted to the Principal for prior approval. As new awards or scholarships are established by a school within the system, the Superintendent of Schools shall be made so aware.

Policy adopted: April 13, 2015 THOMASTON PUBLIC SCHOOLS Thomaston, Connecticut 

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