
SERIES 1000 Community Relations

1660 School Business Partnerships

The Board of Education will, whenever possible, cooperate with employers in offering high school courses, or with the approval of the State Board of Education, offer vocational training courses to such employer's employees. Such courses will be given on the premises of the employers for the benefit of any employee who (1) wishes to obtain a high school diploma or (2) wishes to improve his/her employment status.

No expense for such service may accrue to the Board of Education or to the State Board of Education.

Legal Reference:      Connecticut General Statutes

                                  10-21 Vocational guidance.

                                  10-21a Accredited courses offered by employers.

                                  10-21b Programs offered jointly by boards of education and business firms; neighborhood assistance.

Policy adopted:     April 13, 2015     THOMASTON PUBLIC SCHOOLS Thomaston, Connecticut

School/Business Partnerships Volunteers

Local businesses and industries are strongly encouraged to permit their employees to devote time during the work day to assist teachers and other school personnel in their teaching and managerial activities. Such volunteers should possess the desire to work within the district, skills which are applicable to the educational environment, and the ability to communicate those skills in an appropriate manner. Volunteers should be individuals who recognize that education is a vital community activity; individuals who understand that the entire community benefits when the educational process is enhanced.

Businesses interested in providing employees to the district should notify the Superintendent of Schools of their willingness to assist the Thomaston District. The names of the concerned employees who are willing to serve, or the areas in which employees would be available is to be provided to the Superintendent. The offer should also specify the schools or students' age brackets in which the volunteers are interested. The Superintendent will evaluate the suitability of the offer; and based upon that evaluation, notify the district's administrators of the offer so as to permit them to make the necessary arrangements. All individuals wishing to serve within the schools or who will have contact with children are subject to evaluation and reference check.

Monetary and Material Gifts

The Thomaston School District is pleased to accept either one-time or multiple monetary and material gifts, either from individuals or businesses and industrial concerns. Such gifts may be either for specific purposes or for general use within Thomaston's schools at the discretion of the district. All gifts having a value of $100.00 or more must specify the name and address of the individual or concern donating the gifts and may only be accepted after the Board of Education, upon recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools, votes to approve them. If the donating individual or concern places conditions upon the district's acceptance of the gift, those conditions must be specified prior to the Board of Education's consideration of approval. Gifts may be marked either with the name of the donating concern or its logo. Donated equipment which is less than four (4) square feet in size may be marked by a logo with print not to exceed 12 point on a plate not to exceed 1.5" x 3". Donated equipment which is greater than four (4) square feet in size may be marked by a logo with print not to exceed 14 point on a plate not to exceed 2.5" x 5". These restrictions on logo print and size may be modified by the Board as recommended by the School/Business Sub-Committee, if appropriate.

The District will gratefully accept all gifts and services given to enhance and enrich the children's education. The education of children is a community activity; thus, the Board supports the concept of school/business partnerships.

Regulation approved:     April 13, 2015     THOMASTON PUBLIC SCHOOLS Thomaston, Connecticut

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