
SERIES 1000 Community Relations

1700 Otherwise Lawful Possession of Firearms on School Property

Notwithstanding the otherwise lawful possession of firearms defined in Section 53a-3 in or on the real property comprising school district property by persons who hold a valid state or local permit to carry a firearm and would otherwise legally traverse school property with an unloaded firearm for the purpose of gaining access to public or private lands open to hunting or for other lawful purposes, such entry onto school property by these persons for these purposes is prohibited by the Board of Education.

The issuance of a permit to carry a pistol or revolver does not authorize the possession or carrying of a pistol or revolver on school district property. The Board of Education prohibits such possession on school district property.

The Board of Education may employ or enter into an agreement for public school security services with a firearm, as defined in state law, only with a sworn member of a local police department or a retired state or local police officer, as stipulated in P.A. 13-188. 

Students are prohibited by the Board of Education from possessing firearms for any reason, whether otherwise lawful or not, in or on the real property comprising the public or private elementary or secondary school or at a school sponsored activity as defined in Subsection (h) of Section 10-233a

(cf. 5114 - Suspension/Expulsion/Exclusion/Removal)

Legal Reference:      Connecticut General Statutes

                       29-28 Permit for sale at retail of pistol or revolver. Permit to carry a pistol or revolver. Confidentiality of name                               and address of permit holder. (as amended by PA 98-129)

                                  29-33 Sale, delivery or transfer of pistol and revolvers. Documentation requirements.  Waiting period.                                                    Exempted transactions. Penalty. (as amended by PA 98-129)

                                  52a-3 Definitions.

                                  53a-217b Possession of a weapon on school grounds: Class D felony. (as amended by PA 01-84)

                                  P.A. 13-188 An Act Concerning School Safety

Policy adopted:     April 13, 2015      THOMASTON PUBLIC SCHOOLS Thomaston, Connecticut

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