
SERIES 2000 Administration 

2133.1 Qualifications/Duties


A. Qualifications

1. The Principal shall have earned a Connecticut Intermediate Administrators Certificate.

2. Such Principal shall possess, under the direction of the Superintendent of Schools, unless otherwise specified by the policies of the Board of Education, the following powers and be charged with the following duties:

B. Duties

1. To be responsible to the Superintendent of Schools for all organization, administration, and supervision within the building.

2. To show evidence of leadership in formulating and developing the programs and projects which will improve the excellence of the school system, as well as in the areas of the Principal’s particular responsibilities. To be an educational and instructional leader in the school.

3. To see that teachers and personnel are appropriately supervised and evaluated as requested; and to write supervisory reports on all teachers and other personnel at least once a year, or as directed by the Superintendent of Schools.

4. To have the powers necessary for executing the policies of the Board and for enforcing administrative rules and regulations determined by the Superintendent of Schools.

5. To be responsible for the educational procedures and progress within the school, and for all records and reports concerned thereto, in accordance with the policies, rules and regulations prescribed by the Board of Education.

6. To act as the chief administrative officer for the buildings and grounds, and to be responsible for and have authority over the actions of students, professional and nonprofessional employees, visitors, and such other persons hired to perform special tasks.


7. To keep the Superintendent of Schools informed as to the condition of the school and its activities therein, through the use of routine reports, meetings and by other means of communications as may be deemed appropriate by the Superintendent of Schools. Exceptional conditions and activities existing or occurring shall be reported immediately.

8. To establish rules for the administration of the school which shall be published in a handbook for distribution. The handbook shall be revised annually, or at such times as may be deemed appropriate, and such rules shall be subject to approval by the Superintendent of Schools prior to distribution.

9. To conduct educational surveys dealing with instructional matters.

10. To make recommendations to the Superintendent of Schools for the recruitment, selection, and assignment of the instructional employees within his/her building.

11. To be responsible for initiating and coordinating improvements in curriculum.

12. To be responsible for providing conditions which will protect the health and welfare of the children and the entire staff building.

13. To be responsible for maintaining good public relations with the community.

14. To be responsible for making equitable assignments of the teaching staff within the building, under existing terms and conditions of current Board of Education policies.

15. To be responsible for fully utilizing the community’s resources for enriching school program.

16. To be responsible for the classification, promotion or retention of students within the building.

17. To oversee the attendance and conduct of the children within the building.

18. To be responsible for requisitioning supplies, textbooks, equipment and all materials necessary to the operation of the school.


19. To organize the playgrounds and lunchrooms in the best interest and safety of the children.

20. To be responsible for extra and co-curricular activities of the school.

21. To be responsible for fire and other drills; school enterprises and activities, parent-teacher organizational work as it relates to the building; teacher’s meetings; in-service training; school exhibits and student field trips; health and special services within the building.

22. To constantly appraise and evaluate the instructional program.

23. To employ principles of administration and high professional standards while working cooperatively with the teaching staff for the best interests of the children.

24. To continue to improve educationally and professionally, encouraging the teaching faculty to do the same.

25. To perform such other duties as may be assigned by the Superintendent of Schools.

Policy adopted: June 8, 2015 THOMASTON PUBLIC SCHOOLS Thomaston, Connecticut

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