
SERIES 2000 Administration 

2141 Recruitment and Appointment of Superintendent


The appointment of a Superintendent is the legal responsibility of the Board. The Board will conduct an active search to find the person it believes can most effectively translate into action the policies of the Board, the aspirations of the community and foster a diverse professional staff. Applicants who can best fulfill the role will be sought from within the school system and from without. 

Appointment of Superintendent

A vote of the majority of the Board members, present at a Board meeting for which due notice has been given of the intended action, will be required for the appointment of the Superintendent. 

The Board may employ an Acting Superintendent, properly certified or not, for a probationary specified period, not to exceed one school year, with the approval of the Commissioner of Education. Such time may be extended by the Commissioner for good cause shown. During such probationary period, the Acting Superintendent shall assume all duties of the Superintendent for the time specified and shall successfully complete a school leadership program, approved by the State Board of Education, offered at a public or private institution of higher education in the State. At the conclusion of the probationary period, the Board may request the Commissioner of Education to grant a waiver of certification for the Acting Superintendent, allowing the Board, if desired, to appoint the Acting Superintendent as the District’s permanent Superintendent.

Note: The Commissioner may waive certification for a school superintendent who (1) has at least three years of experience in the past ten years as a certified administrator with a superintendent certificate issued by another state, or (2) has successfully completed the probationary period as an acting superintendent and the Commissioner deems the individual to be exceptionally qualified for the position of superintendent.

Legal Reference:      Connecticut General Statutes

                                  10-157 Superintendent (as amended by P.A. 12-116, An Act Concerning Educational                                       Reform).

                                  10-222 Reports to state board of education.

Policy adopted:     June 8, 2015     THOMASTON PUBLIC SCHOOLS Thomaston, Connecticut

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