
SERIES 2000 Administration 

2151 Recruitment and Selection of Administrative Employees

Whenever a principal opening occurs, the Board may elect to either fill the vacancy in-house or conduct a search using the following process:

Step 1: The Superintendent will be responsible for conducting and chairing the administrative selection process. In step one of the process, the Superintendent will select an Interview Committee and establish a timeline for the selection process.

Step 2: The Superintendent will review the job description for the open administrative position. If the Superintendent deems it necessary to change the job description, they will send a copy of the changes to the full Board of Education for review and approval.

Step 3: The Superintendent will advertise the administrative opening.

Step 4: The Superintendent will receive and screen all applications for completeness. All qualified in-house candidates will go directly to the Interview Committee.

Step 5: The completed applications will be sent to the Screening Committee. The Screening Committee is responsible for establishing the criteria by which the applicants are to be screened.

The members of the Screening Committee are as follows:

(1) No more than two (2) Board of Education members;

(2) Superintendent of Schools; and

(3) High School Principal (if selecting an Assistant Principal).

Step 6: The Screening Committee screens the applicants down to an agreed upon number.

Step 7: The Interview Committee shall not exceed twelve (12) members and shall be composed of the following people:

(1) Two Board of Education members;

(2) At least two Teachers (From the building where opening exists);

(3) Superintendent of Schools;

(4) One Administrator;

Step 8: The Interview Committee is responsible for checking the references of all the candidates and reporting the results to the Board. The Board will review all of the applications prior to the interview process.

Step 9: The Interview Committee will be responsible for recommending no fewer than two (2) candidates to the Superintendent of Schools.

Step 10: Through a joint consensus between the Superintendent of Schools and the Board of Education, the candidate is hired by a majority vote of the Board of Education.

Legal Reference: Connecticut General Statutes

10-151(b) Employment of teachers. Definitions. Tenure, etc. (as amended by P.A. 12-116, An Act Concerning Education Reform)

Policy Revised: June 11, 2024 THOMASTON PUBLIC SCHOOLS Thomaston, Connecticut

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