
SERIES 2000 Administration 

2152 Assignment of Administrative Personnel

This policy, concerning the assignment of administrative personnel, is based on the fundamental principle that the basic consideration in the process is the well-being of the school system, particularly the instructional program and the health, education and welfare of the students therein. Further, the Board of Education believes that the appropriateness of each assignment will have a significant impact on the morale of the professional staff and the effectiveness of the total educational program.

The Superintendent therefore shall have the responsibility of assignment of all administrative personnel within the district. This responsibility shall include the change in assignment of administrative personnel as circumstances warrant.

Upon determination that the need for a change or changes in assignment(s) of administrative personnel exists within the school system, the Superintendent shall report such needs to the Board of Education for consideration.

Among these may be the perceived need to transfer a member or members of the administrative staff from one position to another in the best interest of the school, the school system and the administrator(s) in question.

Should the Superintendent perceive such a need to exist, he/she shall make a thorough assessment of all attendant circumstances, calling if need be upon such other personnel within the system, or outside, as shall in his/her judgment be most effective in assisting him/her to accurately make such assessment.

Should such assessment confirm the need for change, the Superintendent shall report same to the Board of Education, and shall recommend to the Board of Education the transfer or change in assignment which in his/her judgment shall accomplish the aims set forth above in this policy.

Policy adopted:     June 8, 2015     THOMASTON PUBLIC SCHOOLS Thomaston, Connecticut

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