
SERIES 2000 Administration 

2153 Orientation of Administrative Personnel

The Board of Education, cognizant of the special importance of a sound beginning experience for each new administrator and of the adjustment each new staff member must make in a new situation, consonant with its philosophy to ensure the best possible instruction and educational service for students and the best possible professional growth and development for its administrative personnel, shall, therefore, strive to provide appropriate, timely and substantial orientation and in-service training for its administrative personnel. 

To this end, the Superintendent shall be responsible for the development and implementation of orientation programs for new administrative personnel and for the institution and implementation of in-service training programs and activities to orient administrative personnel to newly adopted educational programs and procedures. In carrying out this responsibility, the Superintendent will involve various administrative, supervisory, and other professional staff members and resource persons from within the school system and from outside the school system as deemed appropriate. 

Policy adopted:     June 8, 2015     THOMASTON PUBLIC SCHOOLS Thomaston, Connecticut

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