
SERIES 2000 Administration 

2230 Control and Communication Channels and Systems

Records and Recordkeeping

The Superintendent will ensure that all legally required and other appropriate and necessary records are maintained on file by Thomaston Public Schools, including financial accounts, business records, property inventories, personnel information, school population, scholastic records, and other information appropriate to District operation.

The Superintendent of Schools is the custodian of all records maintained in the Central Office. The School Principals are the custodians of all student records maintained in the office of each District School.

All Central Office and Principals’ Office records will be stored as required by state or federal statute and regulations either in fireproof files or other suitable storage containers and will be treated according to the general provisions governing public records.

Legal Reference:      Connecticut General Statutes

                                 1-18 Disposition of original documents

                                 1-213 to 1-225 The Freedom of Information Act.

                                 4-193 Agency’s duties re: personal data

                                 7-27 Municipal records to be kept in fire-resistive vaults or safes.

                                 7-27a Destruction of original land records or instruments

                                10-15b Access of parent or guardians to student's records.

                                10-209 Records not to be public.

                                17b-90 Disclosure of information concerning program applicants and participants

                                 17a-28 Definitions. Confidentiality of and access to records; exceptions.

                                 Procedures for aggrieved persons. Regulations.

 19a-215 Reports of diseases on the commissioner’s list of reportable diseases and laboratory findings.   Confidentiality.

                                 46b-11 Closed hearings and records

Policy adopted:     June 8, 2015     THOMASTON PUBLIC SCHOOLS Thomaston, Connecticut

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