
SERIES 2000 Administration 

2231 Policy and Regulation Systems

Policy Manual

The Superintendent shall establish and maintain an orderly plan for preserving and making accessible policies and bylaws adopted by the Board, and the regulations of the administration. Board policies, Board bylaws, and administrative regulations shall be published in a manual, maintained in current condition, and made available to all persons concerned.


Policies are statements of intent adopted by the Board of Education. They serve as guides to the administration in the development and implementation of regulations for operating the district.

The Superintendent is an integral part of this policy-making process recommending to the Board areas requiring policy adoption or change. The Superintendent shall develop a regulation specifying how policies will be developed and presented to the Board.


Consistent with policy, the Superintendent shall specify required staff actions, and design the administrative arrangements under which the schools are to be operated. Those regulations and procedures which apply throughout the district shall be designated as “regulations,” and placed in the district policy manual. Regulations shall be presented to the Board but the Board will not adopt regulations unless requested to do so by the Superintendent or unless required by federal or state law. The Superintendent is responsible for development and implementation of district regulations. He/she shall develop a system involving staff members in development and implementation of regulations. Regulations should be complete, consistent with adopted Board policy, and capable of reasonable implementation.


Bylaws are the rules governing internal operations of the Board of Education. When need for a new bylaw, or modification of an existing bylaw is recognized, the Board will consider an effective new or modified bylaw for adoption. The same procedure used for development of policies shall be used for development of bylaws.

Functions and Composition of Committees and Channels

1. Board of Education

 The Board of Education is responsible for the development of policy and, according to law, must adopt     policy (cf. 9311). It receives recommended drafts from the Superintendent, individual Board members      and/or the policy committee. The Board may accept and adopt drafts, return them to the policy           committee or Superintendent with requests for specific changes, or reject them outright. The Board may    originate a request for a needed policy through the policy committee and/or Superintendent.

2. Superintendent of Schools

 The Superintendent of Schools transmits recommended policy drafts to the Board with request for        action. The Superintendent receives drafts from the Chairperson of the policy committee, and may        accept drafts, or refer them back with requests for specific changes. The Superintendent must act within   thirty (30) days and notify the policy committee of his/her action. The Superintendent approves rules and   regulations (cf. 9313). The Superintendent may receive and approve drafts, return them to the policy      committee with request for specific changes, or reject them outright.

Distributing Revised Pages to Manual Holders

Whenever the Board adopts, revises or deletes policies or bylaws, and whenever the administration approves, revises or deletes regulations, all Board members and administrators must be notified.

The notification task is the responsibility of the Superintendent or designee.

The Superintendent is responsible for the care of the Central Office manual, and shall keep a master file that is reviewed at least annually and kept current.

Regulation approved:   June 8, 2105   THOMASTON PUBLIC SCHOOLS Thomaston, Connecticut

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