
Series 3000: Business/Non-Instructional Operations

3160 Transfer of Funds Between Categories; Amendments

The Board of Education may transfer any unexpected or uncontracted-for portion of any appropriation for school purposes to any other line item of such itemized estimate, but expenditures shall not exceed the appropriation made by the fiscal authority combined with such money as may be received from other sources for school purposes. All line item transfers will require Board approval.

The Superintendent, or their designee, may transfer any unexpended or uncontracted-for portion of any appropriation for school purposes to any other line item of such itemized estimate up to a limit of $5,000 for any one occurrence, hut expenditures shall not exceed the appropriation made by the fiscal authority combined with such money as may be received from other sources for school purposes.

The Board shall provide a written explanation of a transfer made under emergency circumstances to the town’s legislative body or, if the legislative body is a town meeting, to the Board of Selectman.

The Superintendent is authorized to transfer funds from any category under emergency conditions if the urgent need for the transfer prevents the Board from meeting in a timely fashion to consider such transfer.

All transfers shall be communicated and approved at the next regularly scheduled meeting of the Board.

The definition of line item, as used in this policy, is limited to the object categories used for state reporting as listed below:

100- Personal Services-Salaries

200- Personal Services-Employee Benefits

300- Purchased Professional and Technical Services

400- Purchased Property Services

500- Other Purchased Services

600- Supplies

700- Property

800- Other Options

Legal Reference:  Connecticut General Statutes

10-222 Appropriations and budget. (as amended by PA 13-60, An Act

Concerning the Consolidation of Non-Educational Services)

Policy adopted:   October 19, 2015   THOMASTON PUBLIC SCHOOLS Thomaston, Connecticut


1. The Central Office Administration will alert the Board of Education prior to any line item accounts that will  be over-expended.


a. This will be accomplished by first alerting the Board of Education Budget/Audit Committee Chairperson.

b. Board of Education members, at the earliest meeting, would be alerted through the Chairman of the Budget/Audit Committee and Business Manager. Reasons for the pending over-expenditure would then be forthcoming.

c. The Business Manager would then recommend to the Board as to where funds could be transferred to handle this over-expenditure.

d. Any line item transfers will require full Board approval.

Legal Reference:  Connecticut General Statutes

10-222 Appropriations and budget. Financial information system. (as amended by P.A. 13-60, An Act Concerning the Consolidation of Noneducational Services)

Regulation approved:   October 19, 2015   THOMASTON PUBLIC SCHOOLS Thomaston, Connecticut

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