
Series 3000: Business/Non-Instructional Operations

3171.1 Nonlapsing Education Fund

On December 10, 2019, the Thomaston Board of Finance approved the Memorandum of Agreement with the Thomaston Board of Education to deposit into a nonlapsing education fund account any unexpended funds from the prior fiscal year from the budgeted appropriations for education for the town in accordance with C. G. S. 10-248a, specifically:

The Thomaston Board of Education (hereinafter the "Board of Education") and the Thomaston Board of Finance (hereinafter the "Board of Finance") hereby agree to the following:

1. Connecticut General Statutes Section 10-248a, as amended by Public Act No. 19-117, states:

For the fiscal year ending June 30, 2020, and each fiscal year thereafter, notwithstanding any

provision of the general statutes or any special act, municipal charter, home rule ordinance or

other ordinance, the board of finance in each town having a board of finance, the board of

selectman in each town having no board of finance or the authority making appropriations for

the school district for each town may deposit into a nonlapsing account any unexpended

funds from the prior fiscal year from the budgeted appropriation for education for the town,

provided (I) such deposited amount does not exceed two percent of the total budgeted

appropriation for education for such prior fiscal year, (2) each expenditure from such account

shall be made only for educational purposes, and (3) each such expenditure shall be

authorized by the local board of education for such town.

2. In accordance with Connecticut General Statutes Section 10-248a:

a. The Board of Finance agrees that, except as set forth under paragraph 3 below, on an

annual basis, it will deposit into a nonlapsing account any unexpended funds from the

budgeted appropriation for education from the previous fiscal year;

b. The Board of Education shall have control of the expenditure of funds deposited by the

Board of Finance to the nonlapsing account;

c. The Board of Education agrees that the funds deposited to the nonlapsing account will be

used specifically for educational purposes; and

d. The parties agree that the amount deposited to the nonlapsing account will not exceed two

percent (2%) of the total budgeted appropriation for education for the previous fiscal year.

e. The Board of Education shall include in its monthly report the status of the nonlapsing

account and a list of expenditures from said account.

3. The parties further agree that this Memorandum of Agreement shall remain in full force and

effect unless the Board of Finance advises the Board of Education with a minimum of sixty

(60) calendar days advance written notice prior to the commencement of a fiscal year that it

is rescinding the terms set forth in this Agreement.

Legal Reference: Connecticut General Statutes

                  10-222 Appropriations and budget

                 10-248a Unexpended education funds account (as amended by PA 19-117. Section 285)

Policy adopted: March 9, 2020 THOMASTON PUBLIC SCHOOLS Thomaston, Connecticut

Memorandum of Agreement

The Thomaston Board of Education (hereinafter the 0 8oard of Education") and the

Thomaston Board of Finance (hereinafter the "Board of Finance") hereby agree to the following:

l. Connecticut General Statutes Section 10-248a, as amended by Public Act No. 19-117,


For the fiscal year ending June 30. 2020, and each fiscal year thereafter,

notwithstanding any provision of the general statutes or any special act,

municipal charter, home rule ordinance or other ordinance. the board of

finance in each town having a board of finance, the board of selectman in

each town having no board of finance or the authority making

appropriations for the school district for each town may deposit into a

nonlapsing account any unexpended funds from the prior fiscal year from

the budgeted appropriation for education for the town, provided ( 1) such

deposited amount does not exceed two percent of the total budgeted

appropriation for education for such prior fiscal year. (2) each expenditure

from such account shall be made only for educational purposes. and (3)

each such expenditure shall be authorized by the local board of education

for such town.

2. In accordance with Connecticut General Statutes Section I 0-248a:

a. The Board of Finance agrees that. except as set forth under paragraph 3 below. on an

annual basis, it will deposit into a nonlapsing account any unexpended funds from the

budgeted appropriation for education from the previous fiscal year;

b. The Board of Education shall have control of the expenditure of funds deposited by

the Board of Finance to the nonlapsing account;

c. The Board of Education agrees that the funds deposited to the nonlapsing account

will be used specifically for educational purposes; and

d. The parties agree that the amount deposited to the nonlapsing account will not exceed

two percent (2%) of the total budgeted appropriation for education for the previous

fiscal year.

e. The Board of Education shall include in its monthly report the status of the

nonlapsing account and a list of expenditures from said account.

3. The parties further agree that this Memorandum of Agreement shall remain in full force and effect unless the Board of Finance advises the Board of Education with a minimum of sixty (60) calendar days advance written notice prior to the commencement of a fiscal year that it is rescinding the terms set forth in this Agreement.

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