
Series 3000: Business/Non-Instructional Operations

3230 State/Federal Funds

The Superintendent shall report annually, as part of budget preparation, on the status of all State and Federal programs, including the financial status of each program. His/her report shall include recommendations to continue, modify, or discontinue each program.

When the school district is eligible for State/Federal assistance under the provisions of Public Laws, application for said assistance shall be submitted, so long as acceptance of the funds does not include conditions contrary to governing Board policy.

The Superintendent or his/her designee shall develop procedures governing the procurement, use, management, and disposal of goods, materials, and equipment purchased with state/federal grant funds. At a minimum, the procedures will cover the following topics.

  • Ensuring that expenditures of state/federal grant funds are done in accordance with the requirements placed on those funds by the federal government and/or the procurement requirements specified in Policy;

  • Labeling all goods, materials, and equipment purchased with federal funds;

  • Establishing adequate controls to account for their location, custody and security;

  • Annually auditing the inventory of equipment purchased and updating a listing of such equipment to reconcile the audit with the District’s inventory system. The audit will be documented and account for any transfers and/or disposals of equipment.

Policy adopted:   October 19, 2015   THOMASTON PUBLIC SCHOOLS Thomaston, Connecticut

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