
Series 3000: Business/Non-Instructional Operations

3240 Tuition Fees

The Board of Education will permit students from other school districts to attend local schools when they can be accommodated in existing classes. The students or their sending district shall pay a tuition fee to be established annually by the Board of Education. The tuition fee may be adjusted as changes in costs indicate unless a multiple year agreement to provide educational facilities is entered into with another Board of Education. 

Legal Reference:     Connecticut General Statutes 

                                10-33 Tuition in towns in which no high school is maintained.

                                10-35 Notice of discontinuance of high school service to nonresidents.

                                10-55 Pupils to attend regional school.

                                10-220 Duties of boards of education.

10-253 School privileges for children in certain placements, nonresident children and children in temporary shelters.

                                10-266 Reimbursement for education of pupils residing in state property.

Policy adopted:    October 19, 2015    THOMASTON PUBLIC SCHOOLS Thomaston, Connecticut 

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