
Series 3000: Business/Non-Instructional Operations

3280 Gifts, Grants and Bequests

The Thomaston Board of Education will accept gifts, donations of goods or services, and bequests which may serve to enhance and extend the work of the school system. It shall be the general policy of the district to accept only those gifts, donations or bequests which place no present or future obligation on the school system and which serve to meet the immediate or long-range goals of the Thomaston Public Schools.

The acceptance of gifts, donations and bequests shall be based upon the needs of the school system and the potential future impact of the gift, donation or bequest. If the contribution of equipment or services may involve a major cost for installation or maintenance, or the initial or continuing financial commitment from school funds, or may present other problems to the system, acceptance of such gift may be declined.

It should be understood that the Board appreciates the good intentions of persons wishing to make contributions and gifts to the school system. At times, however, such gifts or contributions do not meet the school needs or wants and, therefore, must be declined. Should gifts be made to the school without consultation, the Superintendent and his/her staff will evaluate the usability of such gifts and make disposition of those gifts as they deem appropriate.

The Board of Education may establish trusts for the purpose of acting as repositories of financial gifts or other income.

Legal Reference:     Connecticut General Statutes

                                 7-194 Powers.

                                10-9 Bequests for educational purposes.

Any gift presented to the school district must be accompanied by a letter from the donor identifying the subject and purpose of the gift and any restrictions that may apply for official action and recognition by the Board of Education.

To be accepted, a gift must satisfy the following criteria:

1. Have a purpose consistent with those of the school district.

2. Be offered by a donor acceptable to the Board of Education.

3. Will not add to staff load.

4. Will not begin a program which the Board of Education would be unwilling to take over when the gift or

    grant funds are exhausted.

5. Would not bring undesirable or hidden costs to the school district.

6. Will place no restrictions on the school program.

7. Will be suitable for use in meeting the instructional needs of the school, if the gift is technology equipment, such as computers and/or software.

8. Will not be inappropriate or harmful to the best education of students.

9. Will not imply endorsement of any business or product.

10. Will not be in conflict with any provision of the school code or public law.

All gifts, grants and bequests shall become school district property.

A letter of appreciation signed by the Chairperson of the Board of Education and by the Superintendent of Schools shall be sent to a donor.

Any gift rejected by the Board of Education shall be returned to the donor or the donor's estate within 60 days, with a statement indicating the reason for rejection of such gift.

Regulation approved:    October 19, 2015    THOMASTON PUBLIC SCHOOLS Thomaston, Connecticut 

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