
Series 3000: Business/Non-Instructional Operations

3280.1 Grants

In order to offer the best educational opportunities for students of the District, the Board of Education will seek as many sources of revenue as possible to supplement the funds provided through local taxation and the basic aid offered by the state.

The Board will seek special funds from the federal and state governments and from other sources of competitive program funding. The Board encourages its staff to make sources of possible funding for special purposes known.

The Superintendent or his/her designee shall investigate the conditions of such grants and decide which of these warrant further consideration. This decision will be based on the following factors:

1. The degree to which the District’s efforts to achieve its educational goals would be enhanced through the grant;

2. The source of the grant;

3. The level of effort in terms of district resources likely to be incurred in seeking the grant;

4. The extent to which the acceptance of the grant may commit the district to future dedication of its own resources;

5. The extent to which fairness and equity are maintained among schools or individuals;

6. The conditions of the grant and their concurrence with all provisions of the law and District policy;

or other factors as determined by the Superintendent.

Schools, employees and school-related groups who are applying for grants on behalf of the District shall send a copy of the completed application to the Superintendent of Schools or his/her designee, who shall present the application to the Board with a recommendation for approval or disapproval. Except as provided by law, such applications shall not be submitted until the Board gives its approval.

In the event an opportunity arises to submit a grant proposal and there is insufficient time to place it before the Board, the Superintendent is authorized to use his/her judgment in approving it for submission. The Superintendent will review the grant proposal with the Board at its next regular meeting. The Board reserves the right to reject funds associated with any grant which has been approved.

(cf. 3280 - Gifts, Grants and Bequests)

Legal Reference:  Connecticut General Statutes

        7-194 Powers


District staff will follow the steps listed below to develop proposals for projects to be funded by outside sources, to receive approval for project proposals and to administer projects funded by outside sources.

Proposal Development and Approval

  • The employee will review preliminary plans for a proposal with his/her immediate supervisor, the principal,   and other administrators whose responsibilities may be affected by the recipient of the grant and the       Superintendent of Schools or his/her designee.
  • Public law guidelines shall be adhered to by the district when making applications for federally funded      projects.
  • State laws and State Department of Education guidelines shall be adhered to when making application for   federally funded grants or for state funded grants for a specific project.
  • Agency guidelines shall be adhered to by the district when making application for private endowment       grants.
  • If preliminary plans are approved, the staff member will be provided with appropriate guidelines and forms   from the granting agency.
  • The staff member will develop the proposal, with any assistance from administration, as required and      submit the proposal along with supporting data and documents to the Superintendent of Schools or        his/her designee for review and approval.
  • The Superintendent will submit the proposal to the Board of Education for approval.

Establishment and Administration of Funded Projects

  • The Board of Education will be informed of the approval or disapproval of all submitted grant applications   by the Superintendent of Schools or his/her designee.
  • All grants received will be properly deposited on the books of the District and be administered in           accordance with the terms of the grant proposal.
  • The project director will be responsible for ensuring the project’s solvency and to seeing that the project is   carried out in accordance with the conditions of the grant.

Regulation approved:  October 19, 2015  THOMASTON PUBLIC SCHOOLS Thomaston, Connecticut

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