
Series 3000: Business/Non-Instructional Operations

3290 Funds Management

Grants and Other Revenue

Consistent with Board goals and objectives to provide the best educational opportunities for all children in the district, the Board encourages the Superintendent to seek supplementary revenue to state aid and local taxation.

Therefore, the Superintendent shall:

1. Investigate new sources of revenue whether local, state, or federal;

2. Propose new revenue sources and associated programs to the Board of Education for approval;

3. Implement measures necessary to apply for/receive additional revenues.

Subsequent to the Board's approval of a program or of its continuation, the Superintendent, or designee, is authorized to sign all required forms for state and federal programs.

The Superintendent shall report annually, as part of budget preparation, on the status of all state and federal grants and programs, including the financial status of each program including a recommendation to continue, modify, or discontinue each program.

Legal Reference:     Connecticut General Statutes

                                10-220 Duties of boards of education.

Policy adopted:    October 19, 2015    THOMASTON PUBLIC SCHOOLS Thomaston, Connecticut

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