
Series 3000: Business/Non-Instructional Operations

3293 Depository

All funds received by the District shall be deposited in the appropriate accounts. All funds received in categories #1-8 below shall be deposited into the appropriate accounts within school student activity or central office funds:

1. Athletic and student activity gate receipts and other income including pay to participate payments;

2. Library fines;

3. Approved school sponsored fund raising activities.

4. Student payment for lost, damaged, or stolen books, library materials, or other educational materials;

5. Student or parent payment for student loss of or damage to school property or equipment;

6. Payments made to the school district by outside groups or individuals for the use of school facilities, including custodial costs;

7. Pay to participate payments (non-athletic)

8. Federal and state grants.

Legal Reference:    Connecticut General Statutes

                               10-248 Payment of school expenses

Policy adopted:    October 19, 2015    THOMASTON PUBLIC SCHOOLS Thomaston, Connecticut 

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