
Series 3000: Business/Non-Instructional Operations

3320 Purchasing Procedures

All purchases by the Thomaston Public Schools must be by purchase order. The following sequence and procedures are to be used:

1. Individuals desiring to make a purchase shall submit their request on the appropriate requisition form.

2. The requisition shall be forwarded to the school Principal/Director by the supervisor with a recommendation for approval or rejection.

3. The Principal/Director may approve the requisition if 1) the item requested is of priority and 2) money is available in the appropriate budget account.

4. The approved requisition shall be sent to the Business Office. The Business Office shall determine that money is available in the appropriate account, check extensions and additions, and issue a purchase  order to the vendor at the lowest cost.

A. If the amount of purchase exceeds $10,000, the Business Office shall invite formal closed bids from vendors. These items will require formal bid procedures that include legal advertisements, solicitation from all reasonable vendors, sealed bids with a public opening, and evaluation of quotes/proposals. Invitations to bid shall be published online and on/in other media as appropriate.

B. Exception to the above A would be for instructional textbooks and materials and items which are one of a kind or manufacture.

 Waiver on bid requirements

 (i) If the State of Connecticut, Department of Administration Services, Bureau of Purchases has awarded contracts for goods or services to bidders who warrant to the State that the prices, terms, and conditions will be extended to all political subdivisions within the State or the certain districts or counties within the State of Connecticut, the Board of Selectmen may, pursuant to such regulation  as it may by resolution adopt, authorize the purchase of those goods or services without bid.

(ii) The Superintendent may, pursuant to such regulations as it may by resolution adopt, authorize the purchase of goods or services, with or without bid, in conjunction with other municipalities or regional government purchasing entities.


 (iii) The Superintendent may waive the provisions of the section pertaining to bid requirements and may authorize a negotiated contract or a shortened notice schedule if deemed by him/her to be in the best interests of the Board of Education. Such waiver shall be in writing and filed with the final purchase order/invoice. The Superintendent may also authorize the requisitioning department to    negotiate a contract with a vendor or vendors or to conduct bidding utilizing a restricted or pre- qualified list of bidders if deemed in the best interest of the Board of Education.

5. The Business Office shall issue a purchase order.

6. Upon receipt of the item(s) requested, the School Principal/Director shall send a copy of the purchase  order to the Business Office when the order is complete. Where a partial order is received, the school  office will send a copy of the purchase order to the Business Office for partial payment with items  received circled and dated, and marked “partial order."

7. The Business Office matches the vendor's invoice, the original business office purchase order copy and  the School Principal/Director purchase order copy and prepares a voucher for payment to the vendor.

8. When an emergency or the purchase does not allow for the processing as stated above, the School  Principal/Director may request a purchase order number by telephone from the Superintendent of  School's office. The appropriate invoices, etc. are to be forwarded to the Business Manager within two  work days to be attached to the purchase order.

Policy adopted:  October 19, 2015  THOMASTON PUBLIC SCHOOLS Thomaston, Connecticut


Purchase Order Processing Procedure

1. Phase 1 - Purchase Requisitions shall be completely filled out, including all required Budget Coding Information.

 A. The requesting agent, (teacher, clerk, custodian, nurse, etc), shall present such request upon the purchase requisition form to the School Principal/Director for his/her approval.

B. The purchase requisition must include the following:

1. Item and number requested.

2. Unit item (i.e. per dozen, per 100, etc.)

3. Description of item.

4. Catalog or list cost of the item.

5. Appropriate vendor with address.

6. Appropriate budget code number.

7. Justification

C. The School Principal/Director, must if he/she approves the order, verify the code number and also verify that there is ample funding for orders via budget printout. He/she also must verify its being budgeted or its necessity. His/her approval is indicated by his/her signature on the requisition.

2. Phase 2 - Purchase Requisitions Received at the Business Office

 A. Requisition order is scrutinized to insure the form is properly completed with appropriate signature (if it is in error, it will be returned to the requestor.)

B. Funding verification is made via computer system. If insufficient funds are present, the purchase order will be returned to the requestor.

C. Requisition order is then forwarded to the Business Manager or Superintendent for review and final approval.

D. If there are any significant adjustments to be made in price, or change in product specifications, the Business Manager or his/her designee will notify the appropriate administrator on how to proceed.


2. Phase 2 - Requisition Orders Received at the Business Office (continued)

 E. If no beneficial adjustments are necessary, the Business Manager approves the purchase order by affixing his/her signature to the document.

F. Purchase order is logged into the computer system.

G. Distribution of the four (4) part purchase order is as follows:

1. A copy is given to the vendor.

2. A copy is retained by the Business Office.

3. A copy shall be placed in a numerical file, at the school.

3. Phase 3 - Receipt of Order by Requesting School

 A. When shipment arrives, the School Principal/Director will check and verify contents against the original copy of the purchase order.

1. When the order is complete, he/she will write complete, with signature, and attach the packing slip(s) to the copy of the purchase order and send it to the Business Office for payment.

2. When the order is incomplete the School Principal/Director will check off and initial those items that have arrived. He/she should hold this purchase order and packing slip until the balance of the order is shipped, and then forward the information to the Business Office, a recommendation for payment.

4. Phase 4 - Receipt of Invoice and Purchase Order, Copy with Packing Slip from the School Principal/Director

 A. Upon receipt of the invoice from the vendor and certification receipt of goods and/or services from the Business Office, the purchase order copies shall be matched and made ready for payment.

1. When paid the encumbrance record is credited and the expenditure record is debited by the amount.


4. Phase 4 - Receipt of Invoice and Purchase Order, Copy with Packing Slip from Principal (continued)

 B. Upon acceptance for payment, checks will be produced by computer and signed by check signer.

1. Upon payment to the vendor, a copy of the completed purchase order shall be re-filed alphabetically with the invoice and all other pertinent information.

2. Page 3 (pink) is already filed numerically - nothing happens.

3. Page 4 (gold) shall be forwarded to the requesting principal with an indication of amount of payment and as confirmation to payment.

4. In the case of items eligible for reimbursement from federal funds, a copy of the purchase order shall be forwarded to the appropriate authority as evidence of purchase.

5. Phase 5 - Bills

 A. Regular monthly bills shall be included on purchase orders.

1. The appropriate account numbers will be included for such items as utilities, insurance, services, etc.

2. Installment payments on services shall be written on one purchase order with the monthly payments listed of the entire year. This way the entire amount will be encumbered and such encumbrance will be reduced by each payment that is made. Each payment will be made against this one purchase order indicating payment against the appropriate installment. (Expenditure is          debited and encumbrance is credited.)

6. Phase 6 - Maintenance, Repairs & Petty Cash

 A. When an emergency situation arises whereby a purchase of materials or services is required immediately, the School Principal/Director shall authorize such purchase to remedy the situation.

1. The Superintendent or Business Manager should be notified as soon as possible of such situation, preferably prior to such authorization if possible.


6. Phase 6 - Maintenance, Repairs & Petty Cash (continued)

2. The School Principal/Director shall then complete the required purchase order with costs as soon as possible in conformance with Phase 2 of these regulations and submit it immediately to the Business Office indicating on the purchase order that it was an emergency purchase.

B. The Petty Cash fund for each school shall be $75.00 not to exceed $100.00.

1. Petty cash shall be utilized for small items which are purchased on a day to day basis which do not warrant the use of the involved purchase procedure.

2. It shall be used primarily for unexpected purchases which become necessary for day to day operations including maintenance items.

3. The School Principal shall have authority over this fund and distribute the funds as necessary and request appropriate receipts for purchases made.

4. When the fund is nearly depleted, the School Principal shall request reimbursement with all receipts attached and appropriate account numbers for all such purchases followed by the dollar amounts charged to each account. (Phase 3 through Phase 6 of these regulations shall apply to requests for such reimbursement).

Regulation approved:  October 19, 2015  THOMASTON PUBLIC SCHOOLS Thomaston, Connecticut

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