
Series 3000: Business/Non-Instructional Operations

3450 Monies in School Buildings

Procedures for Receipt of Money for Associates and Internal Account 

1. Deposits should be turned into main office for processing to the Business Office.

2. The deposits should be as follows: 

a. All bills together 

b. All checks together and endorsed 

c. Coins should be rolled whenever possible 

d. When more than one envelope for the same account, money should be added together and put in one envelope. 

3. Business Office should be notified when deposit is ready to be picked up. 

4. Business Manager or a designated representative of Business Office will then count money with appointed staff from the school for accuracy. 

5. A receipt number will be assigned. 

6. Receipt should be made out in triplicate and signed by both parties that have verified amount. 

7. One copy of receipt should be retained in main office, one copy sent to advisor, and one copy should accompany deposit to Business Office. 

8. Business Office makes deposit and records in Receipts and Disbursement Ledger. 

9. Monthly report is sent to School Principal/Director showing receipts, expenses, and balances for each account. 

Regulation approved; October 19, 2015 THOMASTON PUBLIC SCHOOLS Thomaston, Connecticut 

Monies In School Buildings 

Monies collected by Thomaston Public Schools' employees and by student organizations shall be handled both carefully and prudently. both to demonstrate the ability of school system employees with funds and to model such procedures to students. 

All monies collected shall be receipted and accounted for and directed without delay to the proper location of deposit. 

In no case shall cash be left overnight in schools except in safes provided for safekeeping of valuables. and even then no more than

$100 should be so kept. To avoid any necessity for leaving money in schools overnight, schools shall understand and use procedures for making bank deposits after regular banking hours. 

Policy adopted: October 19, 2015 THOMASTON PUBLIC SCHOOLS Thomaston, Connecticut 

PDF for downloading/printing Request for Replenishing of Emergency Cash
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