
Series 3000: Business/Non-Instructional Operations

3513.1 Building Temperature and Lighting Control

The Board of Education believes that measures should be taken to conserve energy resources and to reduce expenditures of funds for energy, while providing a safe and comfortable learning environment for all staff and students. Therefore, the Board hereby directs the administration, supported by the school staff, to continually assess the consumption of energy and implement reasonable operating procedures to reduce energy consumption in the District.

The District Lead Custodian or Superintendent or designee shall establish an energy efficiency program which shall include specific strategies designed to help the District use energy more efficiently and to help ensure that funds intended for student learning are not diverted to cover energy costs.

The District Lead Custodian or Superintendent or designee shall regularly inspect District facilities and operations and make recommendations for maintenance and capital expenditures which may help the District reach its energy conservation goals. Further, every effort shall be made to identify funding opportunities and cost-reducing incentive programs to help the District achieve its conservation goals.

The District Lead Custodian or Superintendent shall periodically report to the Board on the District’s progress in meeting its energy conservation goals.


In view of the need for full cooperation by everyone to help reduce the consumption of energy in the schools, the following policy is to be effective:

For Heated Areas:

1. Thermostats in all classrooms, auditoriums, and offices shall be set at 68 degrees Fahrenheit at one-hour  before school start time on school days and remain at that setting until one-half hour before dismissal at  which time they will be lowered to 60 degrees Fahrenheit. Thermostats in offices may remain at 68  degrees Fahrenheit until one-half hour before office closing time at which time they will be lowered to 60  degrees Fahrenheit.

2. Thermostats in all hallways, gymnasiums, and unoccupied areas shall be set at 63 degrees Fahrenheit at  one-hour before school start time on school days and remain at that setting until one-half hour before  dismissal at which time they will be lowered to 60 degrees Fahrenheit. Whenever conditions warrant, in  the judgment of the District Lead Custodian or Superintendent of Schools, boilers shall be shut down to  conserve fuel. However, building temperature should not fall below 55 degrees Fahrenheit.

3. Thermostats shall not be changed unless such change is necessary to bring the temperature in areas  controlled by that thermostat up to the designated temperature for that location and time of day. Such  change must be authorized by the District Lead Custodian or the Superintendent of Schools of the  building. The need for such change shall be reported to the Superintendent's Office. It shall be the  prerogative and responsibility of the District Lead Custodian and the Superintendent of Schools to  change thermostat settings wherever reasonable.

4. Those areas used for approved activities in the evening or on weekends shall have the temperature maintained at levels not to exceed 68 degrees Fahrenheit.

5. On non-school days, in the evening and during unoccupied building periods, all thermostats shall be set  to 60 degrees Fahrenheit.

6. It shall be the responsibility of students, employees and visitors to dress accordingly and in compliance with the dress code.

7. Windows and doors shall not be opened to adjust the temperature.


For Air Conditioned Areas:

1. Thermostats in all classrooms, libraries, auditoriums, offices, hallways, gymnasiums and computer server closets shall be set at 72 degrees Fahrenheit at one-hour before school start time on school days and  remain at that setting until one-half hour before dismissal at which time they will be turned off.  Thermostats in offices may remain at 72 degrees Fahrenheit until one-half hour before office closing time  at which time they will be turned off.

2. Unoccupied areas shall be set at 75 degrees Fahrenheit.

3. Those areas used for approved activities in the evening or on weekends shall have the temperature maintained at levels not cooler than 72 degrees Fahrenheit.

4. It shall be the responsibility of students, employees and visitors to dress accordingly and in compliance  with the dress code.

5. Windows and doors shall not be opened to adjust the temperature.

For Non-Air Conditioned Areas:

1. Windows and doors shall not be opened to adjust the temperature unless permitted by the Faculty Handbook and All-Hazards Plan (see annual Faculty Handbook and All-Hazards Plan for specific information).

For Lighting:

1. It shall be the responsibility of all personnel to see that lights are turned off when not needed.

2. Utilization of lighting should be minimized and whenever conditions permit, lights should be turned off.

Policy Adopted:  August 21, 2023  THOMASTON PUBLIC SCHOOLS Thomaston, Connecticut

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