
Series 3000: Business/Non-Instructional Operations

3514 Authorized Use of School-Owned Materials

No school equipment may be used for other than school purposes except when used in connection with another town agency or as requested by a local, state or federal governmental body. The Board of Education shall permit school equipment to be loaned to staff members when such use is directly or peripherally related to their employment and to students when the equipment is to be used in direct connection with their studies. Proper controls shall be established to assure the lender's responsibility for, and return of, all such equipment.

Legal Reference:  Connecticut General Statutes

10-239 Use of school facilities for other purposes.

Policy adopted:  October 19, 2015  THOMASTON PUBLIC SCHOOLS Thomaston, Connecticut


1. School District Employees

a. Inter-building/out-of-building school use:

 Employees who wish to use school equipment for a school purpose away from the building/office to which the equipment is assigned must have permission of the administrator in charge of the building or office prior to taking the equipment from the building/office.

 b. In-building personal use:

Employees who wish to use equipment for personal use must obtain permission from the Principal or his/her designee.

 c. Out-of-building personal use:

 The Board of Education shall permit school equipment to be loaned to staff members when such use is directly or peripherally related to their employment. Authorization shall be granted by the Principal or his/her designee.

2. Students

a. Out-of-building personal use:

 The Board shall permit school equipment to be loaned to students when the equipment is to be used in connection with their studies or extracurricular activities. Authorization shall be granted by the Principal or his/her designee.

3. Non-Profit Groups Located Within the Boundaries of the School District

a. In-building use:

 Non-profit groups may use equipment within a District building when such use is authorized in advance by the School Principal of the building requested for use and listed on Appendix A 1330 (form).

 b. Out-of-building use:

 Non-profit groups may use equipment at a location within the District when such use is authorized by the Principal or his/her designee.


4. Commercial, Political or Partisan Organizations and Individuals or Families

a. In-building use:

 Commercial, political, religious or partisan groups, and individuals and families may use equipment when such use is requested in advance on Appendix A 1330 (form). The building use request must be approved by the Superintendent or his/her designee.

 b. Out-of-building use:

 Out-of-building use is prohibited for these groups/persons, unless approved by the Superintendent or his/her designee.

Regulation approved:  October 19, 2015  THOMASTON PUBLIC SCHOOLS Thomaston, Connecticut

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