
Series 3000: Business/Non-Instructional Operations

3516.4 Sex Offender Notification

In order to protect students while they are traveling to and from school, attending school or at a school-related activity, the Board of Education believes it is important that the district respond appropriately when a law enforcement agency contacts the district about registered sex offenders who may reside within the boundaries of the school system.

The Superintendent or his/her designee shall establish an ongoing relationship with the local law enforcement officials to coordinate the receipt of such information. The Superintendent or his/her designee also shall establish procedures for notifying appropriate staff as necessary.

The Superintendent or his/her designee shall annually notify parents/guardians of the district’s planned response to this situation.

The following protocol should be considered for dealing with notification to parents.

1. Placing a link to the Department of Public Safety’s sex offender registry on the school district’s website, whether or not the district has received a specific notification under this new law. This link can simply be entitled “Department of Public Safety” or words to similar effect. The following is the link to the Department of Public Safety’s sex offender registry: http://www.communitynotification.com/cap_office_disclaimer.php?office=54567


2. If and when the Superintendent receives a specific notification from the Department of Public Safety that a registered sex offender is being released into the community, it is suggested that the district post the actual notification from the Department of Public Safety on the website.

(cf. 1110.1- Parent Involvement)

(cf. 1212-School Volunteers)

(cf. 1250-Visits to Schools)

(cf. 1251-Loitering or Causing Disturbance)

(cf. 1411-Relations with Law Enforcement Agencies)

(cf. 3516-Safety)

(cf. 3517- Security of Buildings and Grounds)

(cf. 3517.1-Site and Building Access) 

Legal Reference:     Connecticut General Statutes

                                 Public Act No. 98-111 An Act Concerning the Registration of Sexual


                                United States Code, Title 42 14071 Jacob Wetterling Crimes Against

                                Children and Sexually Violent Offender Registration Program Act. 

Policy adopted:   October 19, 2015   THOMASTON PUBLIC SCHOOLS Thomaston, Connecticut 


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