
Series 3000: Business/Non-Instructional Operations

3517 Security of Buildings and Grounds


Buildings constitute one of the greatest investments of the school district and the community. It is in the best interest of students and taxpayers to protect that investment adequately.

Security includes:

1. Developing at each school, in compliance with the requirements of P.A. 13-3, a school security and safety plan, in partnership with other community groups, including, but not limited to, law enforcement,     fire safety officials, emergency medical services, as well as health and mental health professionals. Such plan shall be based upon the school security and safety plan standards developed by the Department of Emergency Services and Public Protection (DESPP).

2. Training and practice necessary and essential for implementation of the crisis response plan. Law enforcement and other local public safety officials shall evaluate, score and provide feedback on fire drills and crisis response drills.

3. Controlling access to school grounds and facilities.

4. Conducting a security and vulnerability assessment for each District school every two years.

5. Submitting annual reports to DESPP regarding fire drills and crisis response drills.

6. Establishing a School Security and Safety Committee at each school, responsible for assisting in the development of the school’s security and safety plan and its implementation. (membership as required     by P.A. 13-3)

7. Minimizing fire hazards.

8. Reducing the probability of faulty equipment.

9. Guarding against the chance of electrical shock.

10. Keeping records and funds in a safe place.

11. Protecting against vandalism and burglary.

The Superintendent of Schools is directed to establish such rules and regulations as may be needed to provide for security as outlined above.

(cf. 3516 – Safe and Secure School Facilities; Equipment and Grounds)

(cf. 4148.1/4248.1 – School Security and Safety Committee)

Legal Reference:   Connecticut General Statutes

29-389 Stairways and fire escapes on certain buildings.

P.A. 13-3 An Act Concerning Gun Violence Protection and Children’s Safety

Only persons having legitimate school business and prior approval of the School Principal are allowed access to school facilities. Incidents of illegal entry, theft of school property, vandalism or damage to school property from other causes will be reported by phone to the office of the Superintendent, as soon after discovery as possible. A written report of the incident will be made within 24 hours of discovery.


All keys/fobs used in a school shall be the responsibility of the Superintendent. Requests for permanent issuance of keys/fobs shall be made only in those instances where the employee regularly needs a key/fob in order to carry out normal activities necessitated by the position which the employee holds. When the need for a particular key/fob is of a temporary nature, a key/fob shall be issued on that basis and shall be returned immediately following termination of the need for its use.

All keys/fobs shall be issued through the office of each Superintendent. A receipt showing the number of the key/fob and room(s) or building(s) which it opens shall be signed by the person to whom the key/fob is issued. This receipt shall be filed in lieu of the key/fob and shall be returned to the employee upon return of the key/fob.

The Superintendent shall set up a key/fob control system with a record of the number of each key/fob filed.

The person issued a key/fob shall be responsible for its safekeeping and shall pay for a duplicate key/fob if lost. Duplicate keys/fobs are obtained only through the district business office. The Board of Education prohibits the duplication of school keys/fobs by other methods.

Keys/fobs shall be used only by authorized employees and shall never be loaned to students.

The greatest care shall be given to master and sub-master keys/fobs. Master keys/fobs shall never be loaned.

Legal Reference:     Connecticut General Statutes

29-389 Stairways and fire escapes on certain buildings.

P.A. 13-3 An Act Concerning Gun Violence Protection and Children’s Safety

Regulation approved:  October 19, 2015  THOMASTON PUBLIC SCHOOLS Thomaston, Connecticut

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