
Series 3000: Business/Non-Instructional Operations

3541.311 Riding Other Than Assigned Bus

School bus transportation is provided at district expense to move children requiring transportation from their home pickup point (a designated school bus stop) to school, and from school back to their home drop off point (a designated school bus stop).

A student may be granted the privilege of riding a bus other than the one he/she is assigned to under the following conditions:

1. Requests for long-term change shall be made in writing, stating the reason for such change, and submitted for approval to the Business Manager. Long-term change is defined as consistently on a given day(s) of the week throughout the school year.

2. Requests made for occasional change of school bus assignment must not cause the modifying/changing/altering of an established school bus route, nor increase the number of stops beyond those officially designated school bus stops. Requests made shall be in writing to the School Principal.

3. In all instances, except in the case of obvious emergency, all requests made for either long-term or occasional change of school bus assignment must be submitted in writing. If it is deemed necessary,  the parent or guardian of the student making the request may be asked to meet personally with either  the Superintendent of Schools or the Business Manager to explain the need for the change. Requests  are valid for one school year only.

4. Parents or guardians of students shall not discuss request with bus drivers, teachers, or other school personnel, changes for student bus assignment. All such requests shall be made to the School Principal.

5. The student whose bus assignment is to be changed shall not, by so doing, cause the bus to be overloaded beyond the established legal limit.

6. No bus assignment change shall be considered valid until a written permission slip has been provided     by the School Principal following granting of such permission.

7. The approved permission slip must be presented to the school bus driver, and all drivers are             instructed to deny riding privilege to any student wishing to board a bus other than the regularly         assigned one without such permission slip.

Policy adopted:  October 19, 2015  THOMASTON PUBLIC SCHOOLS Thomaston, Connecticut

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