
Series 3000: Business/Non-Instructional Operations

3541.35 Bus Driver Safety 

When a complaint is received from a bus driver concerning a discipline problem, the following procedure shall be utilized:

1. The administrator shall discuss the problem with the student. At that time a review of proper behavior will  be discussed and a reminder given concerning the consequences of repeated acts.

2. Should a second complaint be made, the administrator will again discuss the situation with the student. At  that time the parents will be notified of the problem and informed that continued misbehavior will result in  a suspension of bus privileges.

3. A third complaint will result in a discussion with the administrator, notification of parents and suspension of bus privileges. Transportation during the period of suspension shall be the responsibility of the parents.

In cases where the offense is of such gravity as to endanger the safety and well-being of other occupants of the bus, the above procedure may be disregarded and immediate suspension be invoked. In all cases due process procedures shall be followed as described in Policy 5114.

Information concerning this policy shall be given to students and parents early in each school year.

Bus Drills

Orderly and rapid evacuation of a school bus in an emergency may prevent injury or death of students.

1. The bus contractor shall be responsible for seeing that each bus driver instruct students regarding safe evacuation of the bus in an emergency. This shall include instruction on the use of both doors or windows if appropriate.

2. Bus contractors working with school principals shall establish a calendar for providing drills.

3. A drill shall be held during the first fifteen (15) days of the school year.

4. A second drill shall be conducted between March 15 and April 15.

(cf. 5114 - Suspension/Expulsion)

(cf. 5131.1 - Bus Conduct)

Policy adopted:  October 19, 2015  THOMASTON PUBLIC SCHOOLS Thomaston, Connecticut


Procedures to be Followed in the Event of an Accident to a Bus

If a school bus is involved in a traffic accident, the following procedures shall be followed:

1. In the event of a serious accident, central office and the appropriate school(s) are to be notified  immediately by the bus contractor identifying bus route numbers and location. Any student transportation  vehicle involved in an accident will remain at the accident scene until a representative from Thomaston  Public Schools arrives.

2. If the bus is enroute to a school, the students will, upon arrival at school, be examined by the school  nurse before returning to class. If injuries require further examination, the students will be immediately  transported to the nearest hospital.

3. If a bus is enroute from school and an accident occurs, the students will be returned to school for  examination by the school nurse and/or an ambulance service if it is the decision of the representative  from Thomaston Public Schools. If further examination is required, the students will be immediately  transported to the nearest hospital.

4. Bus drivers are not to release anybody until all students and drivers have been accounted for and  released by appropriate medical staff.

5. All parents of students in need of medical attention will be notified as soon as possible by school officials.

6. Transportation contractor will be responsible for supplying transportation from the scene of accident to  home for students who have been released. Board of Education carryalls will be used, if need be, to  transport students home from hospital.

7. The school Principal will be responsible for having staff available on the scene for the purpose of identification of students.

8. In the event of a serious school bus or school van accident, parents may call 283-4796 for further  information.

Regulation approved:  October 19, 2015  THOMASTON PUBLIC SCHOOLS Thomaston, Connecticut

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