
Series 3000: Business/Non-Instructional Operations

3541.4 Transportation Equipment

Buses or other transportation vehicles which do not conform to the requirements of law and the regulations of the State Department of Education shall not be used for transporting school children to and from school or on school-sponsored activities.

Legal Reference:     Connecticut General Statutes

                                 14-257 Crowded seats; riders on outside of vehicle. Aisle seats.

                                 14-262 Width and length of vehicles.

                                 14-273 Operation of public service motor vehicles.

                                 14-274 Hours of operation of public service and commercial motor vehicles.

                                 14-275 Equipment and color of school buses.

                                 14-275a Use of standard school bus, required when. 

Policy adopted:   October 19, 2015   THOMASTON PUBLIC SCHOOLS Thomaston, Connecticut 

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