
Series 3000: Business/Non-Instructional Operations

3541.51 Denial of Transportation

The following considerations shall apply in all instances with respect to the denial of bus transportation for students: 

1. A degree of road grade or incline so steep as to present a grave risk of loss of vehicular control, particularly during inclement weather conditions. 

2. A road so narrow that a school bus or van designed for student transportation will occupy more than half the width of such road, unless such road is designed for one-way traffic only, or unless the road is a through road. 

3. A degree of visibility that reduces the driver's ability to safely handle the bus or van; to safely bring it to a full stop; to safely allow the boarding or discharge of student or to safely avoid oncoming vehicles. 

4. A road that is unsuitable for effective maneuverability of either bus or van, especially in emergency situations or inclement weather conditions. 

5. A road that calls for a bus or van to turn around or to reverse in the possible presence of boarding students. 

6. Any other road condition not enumerated above which represents such an obvious hazard to the safety of students transported by school bus or van that a reasonable and prudent person charged with the safe transportation of such students would not approve use of such road. 

7. Buses shall not travel on roads that are not regularly maintained by the state, county or town highway departments. NOTE: Without the express permission of the Board of Education, no school bus shall enter onto any private road for purposes of picking up or discharging students. 

Parents or guardians of students who are dissatisfied with the decision of the School District with respect to school bus transportation, may appeal the decision under the State of Connecticut statutes. 

In the event that the parent or guardian of a student who has been denied school bus transportation wished to contest the decision governing such denial, a hearing shall be scheduled. The forms to be used in conducting such hearing shall include: 

1. Notice of Hearing 

2. Names and Positions of those attending a hearing 

3. Worksheet notes - (giving all pertinent data relative to the contested matter) 4. Opening Statement - language pertinent to opening and conducting the hearing 5. Exhibit List


Business/Non-Instructional Operations 


Legal Reference: Connecticut General Statutes 

4-177 Contested cases. Notice. Review 

4-178 Evidence in contested cases. 

4-179 Proposal for decision. Procedure. Waiver. 

4-180 Final decision to be rendered within ninety days. 

Policy adopted: October 19, 2015 THOMASTON PUBLIC SCHOOLS Thomaston, Connecticut 

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