
Series 3000: Business/Non-Instructional Operations

3542.45 Vending Machines


The Board of Education delegates to the Superintendent the authority to make decisions on the placement of food and beverage vending machines in the schools. This includes whether such machines may be installed, where they would be placed, what items would be dispensed, and during which hours they might be used.

1. The Board of Education has determined that there shall be no installations of vending machines except as approved by the Superintendent of Schools. Vending machines are operated as a revenue producing endeavor and as a convenience for students, staff and patrons. All revenue produced from this source shall be deposited in the designated activity fund as approved by the Board of Education/Superintendent of Schools.

2. Vending Machine Use:

a. Black Rock School: Vending machines shall not be operated in locations available to students.

b. Thomaston Center School: Vending machines may be operated but shall not offer foods of minimal nutritional value in locations available to students. All vending sales shall comply with policies regarding competitive food sales and foods of minimal value.

c. Thomaston High School: Vending machines may be operated. All vending sales shall comply with policies regarding competitive food sales and foods of nutritional value.

3. Advertising limitations: Advertising associated with product vending shall be limited to signage on equipment, paper cups and other serving containers and a banner at student stores and booster sale  locations. Any signage, logo, container, banner or other item that the district may construe as advertising  associated with vending must be approved by the Superintendent or his/her designee before distribution  or placement on District property.

4. Required nutritional foods: In compliance with state law, beverages available in vending machines shall be restricted to 100% fruit juices, vegetable juices or combination of such juices, non-dairy milks  such as soy or rice milk, beverages that contain only water and fruit or vegetable juice, water which may  be flavored but contain no added sugars, sweeteners, artificial sweeteners or caffeine and low-fat or  non-fat milk. Statutory restrictions pertaining to added sugars, sweeteners, caffeine, and portion sizes will  be followed. Further, if a vending machine offers chips, cookies and other snack foods for purchase by  students during the school day, low-fat dairy products and fresh or dried fruit must also be available for  purchase.

(cf. 3542.34 – Nutrition Program)


Legal Reference:  State Board of Education Regulations

10-215b-1 Competitive foods.

10-221o Lunch periods. Recess

10-221p Boards to make available for purchase nutritious low fat foods and drinks.

PA 06-63 An Act Concerning Healthy Food and Beverages in Schools

Policy adopted:  October 19, 2015  THOMASTON PUBLIC SCHOOLS Thomaston, Connecticut

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