

4112.6 Personnel Records

Personnel records shall be kept on all current employees and shall include information usually expected in good personnel administration.

A file shall be kept for all resigned or retired employees, including such essential information as shall seem appropriate to the administration as specified by state and federal laws. 

The Superintendent, on behalf of the Board, shall notify an employee and a collective bargaining representative, if any, in writing when a request is made for disclosure of the employee's personnel, medical or similar files, if the Superintendent reasonably believes disclosure would invade the employee's privacy. 

The records will be disclosed unless written objection is received from the teacher or employee's collective bargaining representative, within seven business days from the receipt by employee or collective bargaining representative.

Records maintained or kept on file by the State Department of Education or the Board of Education that are records of a teacher's performance and evaluation shall not be released without the written consent of the teacher. Such records are not public records subject to FOI.

Records maintained or kept on file by the State Department of Education or the Board, that are records of a teacher’s personal misconduct shall be deemed to be public records, and subject to disclosure under the Freedom of Information Act. Disclosure of such records of a teacher’s personal misconduct shall not require the consent of the teacher. (“Teacher” includes all certified employees below the rank of Superintendent.)

All written materials shall be made available for inspection by the employee and a collective bargaining representative, if any, involved at an off-duty time in the presence of an administrator. Upon request, a professional employee will be provided a copy of supervisory records and reports maintained in said employee's personal file as a guide to evaluation of performance.

In accordance with federal law, the District shall release information regarding the professional qualifications and degrees of teachers and the qualifications of paraprofessionals to parents/guardians upon request for any teacher or paraprofessional who is employed by a school receiving Title I funds and who provides instruction to their child at that school.

Files containing medical information regarding an employee will be kept separate from other personnel files.

Legal Reference:    

Connecticut General Statutes

1-206 Denial of access to public records or meetings.


1-213 Agency administration. Disclosure of personnel, birth and tax records.

1-214 Objection to disclosure of personnel or medical files

1-215 Record of arrest as public record

10-151a Access of teacher to supervisory records and reports in personnel file. 

10-151c Records of teacher performance and evaluation not public records. (as amended by PA 02-138 and PA 13-122)

PL 107-110, No Child Left Behind Act, Sec. 1119. The Americans with Disabilities Act

Policy adopted: April 11, 2016 THOMASTON PUBLIC SCHOOLS Thomaston, Connecticut

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