

4117.41 Just Cause


It is the policy of the Board to use due process and comply with relevant portions of the collective bargaining agreement when disciplining and/or dismissing employees.

A. Progressive Discipline

Staff members will be disciplined according to the severity and frequency of the conduct at issue. Discipline may be in the form of verbal reprimand, written reprimand, plan of assistance or suspension depending on the circumstances of each case.

1. Verbal Reprimand:

The administrator will hold a conference with the employee. He/she will outline the nature of the problem and listen to any comments from the employee. The administrator will indicate compliance with specified procedures or cessation of certain conduct is required and future consequences if directive are ignored.

2. Written Reprimand:

The administrator will hold a conference with the employee. The employee may have a  representative present. The administrator will outline the nature of the problem and listen to any comments from the employee or his/her representative. The administrator will indicate compliance with specified procedures or cessation of certain conduct is required and future consequences if directives are ignored. A “letter of reprimand” shall be written and placed in the employee’s personnel file pursuant to provisions in Board policy or the collective bargaining agreement. Legal        counsel is to be attained prior to the issuance of any written reprimand.

3. Plan of Assistance:

Performance deficiencies may require a written plan of assistance to aid improvement. The plan of assistance will incorporate the following elements:

a. A written description of the problem or problems to be corrected;

b. The method of methods which will be used to correct the problem;

c. The length of time during which improvement or correction must occur; and

d. Frequency and type of supervision to be provided.

The administrator will hold a conference with the employee to discuss the plan. The employee may have a representative present. The administrator will explain the plan of assistance and listen to any comments from the employee or his/her representative. The plan of assistance will be implemented as written or modified and implemented as modified.

4. Suspension:

Employees may be suspended, without pay, as a disciplinary measure for up to 10 employment  days for misconduct detrimental to the school district as defined in Board policy 4117.41. Before  invoking a suspension without pay, the Superintendent (and/or the Board) will conduct a hearing to determine whether the facts warrant such a suspension. The employee may have a representative present at the hearing.

Following are examples of actions that are considered misconduct. This list is representative only and not be considered inclusive.

  • possessing, using, manufacturing, distribution, or dispensing any illegal drugs or alcohol while on duty on or off district property;
  • interfering with other employees in the discharge of their duties;
  • fighting or deliberately harming another; 
  • disregard for the safety of a fellow employee;
  • being absent without approval;
  • refusing to follow a supervisors’ instructions and directions; (insubordination)
  • destroying school property intentionally;
  • using obscene language which is unsuitable in the school setting,
  • possessing weapons on school property without proper authorization, and
  • behaving in any inappropriate manner to the extent of adversely affecting the employees’ ability to perform his/her work.

B. Suspension With Pay

The Board authorizes the Superintendent to suspend a teacher with pay during an investigation into allegations of disobedience or misconduct whenever the employee’s continued presence in his or her position would not be in the best interests of the School District or pending a Board hearing to suspend a teacher without pay. The Superintendent shall meet with the teacher to present the allegations, and give the teacher an opportunity to refute the charges. The teacher will be told the dates and times the suspension will begin and the conditions under which it will end.

The requirement of policy 5141.4 pertaining to allegations of child abuse by a school employee will be followed as it relates to suspension.

An employee may be suspended pending the outcome of the dismissal hearing.

Policy adopted: April 11, 2016 THOMASTON PUBLIC SCHOOLS Thomaston, Connecticut

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