

4117.6 Exit Interviews/Exit Survey

Exit Interviews

Exit interviews are viewed by the Board of Education as a good way to gain insights into problems, difficulties, and dissatisfactions that otherwise might not come to the school system’s attention. Such interviews can also provide confirmation of suspected problems as well as information needed to begin to correct the problems.

Therefore, an employee who is separated from employment in the District will receive an exit interview.

Exit Survey

The Board of Education shall develop an exit survey to be completed by a certified professional educator who is employed by the Board and voluntarily resigns. The exit survey will include questions relating to the reason why the certified educator is ceasing employment, whether or not the certified educator is leaving the profession, the demographics of the certified educator, and the areas in which the certified educator taught or served.

Policy adopted: January 8, 2024 THOMASTON PUBLIC SCHOOLS Thomaston, Connecticut

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