

4118.13 Conflict of Interest

District employees will not engage in, or have a financial interest in, any activity that raises a reasonable question of conflict of interest with their duties and responsibilities as school staff members. This means that:

1. Employees will not participate for financial remuneration in outside activities for which their position on the staff is used to sell goods or services to students or their parents;

2. Any device, publication or any other item developed during the employee’s paid time shall be district property;

3. Employees will not engage in any work where the source of information concerning customer, client or employer originates from information obtained throughout the school system. The Board directs that no employee be assigned to a position whereby the employee would be under the direct supervision of a relative.

(cf. – 4134 Tutoring)

Legal Reference:

Connecticut General Statutes

7-479 Conflicts of interest

Policy adopted: April 11, 2016 THOMASTON PUBLIC SCHOOLS Thomaston, Connecticut

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