

Psychotropic Drug Use

The Board of Education prohibits all school personnel from recommending the use of psychotropic drugs for any student enrolled within the school system. For purposes of this policy, the term “recommend” shall mean to directly or indirectly suggest that a child use psychotropic drugs.

Psychotropic drugs are defined as prescription medications for behavioral or social-emotional concerns, such as attentional deficits, impulsivity, anxiety, depression and thought disorders and includes, but is not limited to stimulant medications and anti-depressants.

However, school health or mental health personnel, including school nurses or nurse practitioners, the District’s Medical Advisor, school psychologists, school social workers, and school counselors (note: The Board may also include other school personnel it has identified as the person responsible for communication with a parent or guardian about a child need for medical evaluation, such as the district’s director of special services/special education.) may recommend that a student be evaluated by an appropriate medical practitioner.

The District shall follow procedures for identification, evaluation, placement and delivery of services to children with disabilities or suspected disabilities provided in state and federal statutes that govern special education.

The Superintendent of Schools or his/her designee shall promulgate this policy to district staff and parents/guardians of students annually and upon the registration of new students.

(cf. 5141.4 - Reporting of Child Abuse and Neglect)

Legal Reference:

Connecticut General Statutes

10-212b Policies prohibiting the recommendation of psychotropic drugs by school personnel. (as amended by PA 03-211)

46b- 120. Definitions

10-76a Definitions. (as amended by PA 00-48)

10-76b State supervision of special education programs and services.

l0-76d Duties and powers of boards of education to provide special education programs and services. (as amended by PA 97-114 and PA 00-48)

l0-76h Special education hearing and review procedure. Mediation of disputes. (as amended by PA 00-48)

State Board of Education Regulations.

34 C.F.R. 3000 Assistance to States for Education for Handicapped Children.

American with Disabilities Act, 42 U.S.C. § 12101 et seq.

Individuals with Disabilities Education Act, 20 U.S.C. §1400 et seq.

Rehabilitation Act of 1973, Section 504, 29 U.S.C. § 794.

Policy adopted: April 11, 2016 THOMASTON PUBLIC SCHOOLS Thomaston, Connecticut

In order to properly implement the Board policy prohibiting school personnel from recommending the use of psychotropic drugs for any child, the following administrative regulations are hereby established:

1. Psychotropic drugs are defined as prescription medications for behavioral or social emotional  concerns, such as attention deficits, impulsivity, anxiety, depression and thought disorders.

 2. Psychotropic drugs include, but are not limited to, Ritalin, Adderall, Dexedrine and other stimulant  medication, and anti-depressants.

 3. All school personnel, including teachers and administrators are prohibited from any communications,  both oral and written, to the parents and/or guardians of a child in which the use of psychotropic drugs  is recommended.

4. School health or mental health personnel which includes school nurses or nurse practitioners, the District Medical Advisor, school psychologists, school social workers, and school counselors is  permitted to discuss with parents and/or guardians of a child the advisability of a medical evaluation by an appropriate medical practitioner when there are behaviors or concerns that may be indicative of medication considerations.

5. School personnel, through the Planning and Placement Team referral process, shall communicate to the school medical staff about a child’s behavior that may indicate the need for an evaluation.

6. The Planning and Placement Team (PPT) has the authority and responsibility to recommend a  medical evaluation as part of an initial evaluation or reevaluation as needed to determine a child’s eligibility for special education and related services, or educational needs for a child’s individualized education program (IEP).

7. As required, the District may seek remedy through the due process provisions allowed under the Individuals with Disabilities Educational Act (IDEA) if a parent and/or guardian refuses consent for a reevaluation.

8. Appropriate medical practitioners, such as a psychiatric consultant or physician, with whom the District contracts for services to students or to whom the District makes a referral for an evaluation may recommend such medications.

 9. School personnel may consult with the medical practitioner performing the evaluation with the informed consent of the parent or guardian of the child. The purposes of such communication include the following:

a. Conveying concerns or observations of a child, both prior to and following a medical evaluation;

b. Requesting health records and other educationally relevant medical evaluations;

c. Providing school records to medical practitioners upon request;

d. Providing information on school performance to help a medical practitioner monitor and evaluate the effectiveness of psychotropic drugs and/or other medical interventions and/or treatment;

e. Discussing with medical practitioners appropriate and necessary nursing or health care in schools  to ensure student safety;

f. Disclosure of educationally relevant information by the medical practitioner to school personnel.

10. The Department of Children and Families (DCF) is limited by this legislation to take a child into custody  solely on the refusal of a parent or guardian to administer or consent to the administration of any  psychotropic drug. However, a PPT meeting may be convened if the child is eligible or may be eligible  for special education or making a referral to the Department of Children and Families if there are  concerns about a child’s safety and possible abuse or neglect.

(cf. 5141.4 - Reporting of Child Abuse and Neglect)

Regulation approved: April 11, 2016 THOMASTON PUBLIC SCHOOLS Thomaston, Connecticut

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