

4133 Travel Reimbursement

The Board of Education shall reimburse at the federal I.R.S. rate, employees and officials of the district for actual and necessary expenses incurred while using private vehicles, or while attending authorized meetings or conferences.

Policy adopted: April 11, 2016 THOMASTON PUBLIC SCHOOLS Thomaston, Connecticut

The Board of Education shall reimburse employees and officials of the district for actual and necessary expenses while using private vehicles, or while attending authorized meetings or conferences. In order to maximize financial resources and allow full participation in necessary conferences by district employees and officials, the following guidelines must be followed:

1. Out of district travel requiring air travel and/or hotel accommodations will be approved in advance by the Superintendent.

 2. Conference attendees should book hotel accommodations well in advance of travel dates in order to take advantage of early booking discounts. Attendees are encouraged to book accommodations at the conference host hotel in order to maximize the value of attendance, but should make efforts to take  advantage of all available discounts and/or promotional rates.

 3. When traveling by commercial rail or airline, travelers should book travel as far in advance as  practicable in order to obtain the lowest available fare. The Superintendent is authorized to reimburse  transportation expenses in advance of the travel if the employee has been required to prepay fare  more than 30 days in advance of travel in order to obtain the lowest fare. Airline selection should be  made on the basis of the lowest airfare and optimal schedule only, without regard to frequent flyer membership.

4. Expense reports must be filed within two weeks of the ending date of travel.

5. Receipts must be provided for all eligible expenses. When submitting receipts which detail personal, non-reimbursable and reimbursable expenses, the employee should clearly mark both on the face of each receipt.

6. When parking at an airport, employees should use long term or discounted off site parking when         available. Employees may use airport shuttle or limo services whenever the cost of the service is equal to or less than the cost of discounted airport parking plus personal mileage allowance.

7. When using personal autos for transportation, the employee will be reimbursed at the standard rate per    mile as published by the Federal Internal Revenue Service.

Regulation approved: April 11, 2016 THOMASTON PUBLIC SCHOOLS Thomaston, Connecticut

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