

4134 Tutoring

Every effort will be made by the Principal and teacher to resolve the learning problems of a student at school before recommending that parents consider a tutor or seek other outside professional help. The Board of Education believes that by maintaining high quality instructional staff and providing for a rich, varied curriculum, the need for individual tutoring is minimized. 

Before consideration of recommending individual tutoring in exceptional cases, the Superintendent is directed to establish such rules as will protect both the school system and the teachers from charges of conflict of interest. 

Teachers who provide individual student tutoring in a school facility will do so with the consent of their Principal and at no charge to the student.

Legal Reference:

Connecticut General Statutes

53-392a - 53-392e All related to academic crimes.

53-392b Preparation of assignments for students attending educational institutions prohibited.

Policy adopted: April 11, 2016 THOMASTON PUBLIC SCHOOLS Thomaston, Connecticut

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