

4135.4 Grievances/Complaints

Resolution of Employee Problems or Complaints for Employees not included in a Collective Bargaining Agreement

The Board recognizes that employee problems and/or complaints will arise from time to time. Each employee is entitled to have such concerns dealt with by his/her immediate supervisor in a reasonable manner and to have the right to appeal a supervisor’s decision when he/she feels they are unreasonable.

In an effort to quickly and informally resolve a problem or complaint, the employee shall first discuss the matter with his/her immediate supervisor. If he/she is not satisfied with the supervisor’s disposition of the matter, he/she should discuss the matter with the Superintendent.

If after completing the informal procedure, the employee is not satisfied with the disposition of the matter, he/she may submit, within five (5) business days after the meeting with the Superintendent, the problem or complaint in writing to the Superintendent.

The Superintendent shall review the written complaint or problem, and render a decision and the reasons therefore in writing within five (5) business days to the employee.

If the employee is not satisfied with the decision of the Superintendent, he/she may submit an appeal in writing to the Board of Education.

The Board of Education, at its next scheduled meeting after receiving the appeal, will meet with the employee in an attempt to resolve the problem. The Board shall provide the employee a written decision addressing the problem or complaint within ten (10) business days following the meeting. 

Policy adopted: April 11, 2016 THOMASTON PUBLIC SCHOOLS Thomaston, Connecticut

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