

4212.4 Physical Examinations

New Personnel 

All new non-certified personnel shall submit to the Office of the Superintendent of Schools evidence of a physical examination obtained no earlier than six months prior to the date of  employment and no later than thirty days after the date of employment. 

Employed Personnel 

All employed non-certified personnel who are required by state regulation to have annual examinations shall submit, to the Office of the Superintendent of Schools, prior to the beginning  of the school year, evidence of a physical examination obtained within the past six months. 

Contractors Serving the District 

All contractors serving the School District shall submit the Office of the Superintendent of Schools no later than October 1st of each school year, evidence of a physical examination for each of their employees who are in direct contact with children on a daily basis. 

Specific Procedures 

1. Physical examination forms will be supplied by the Superintendent’s office, and it is required that they be used in all instances. 

2. Full and complete results of the physical examinations will be maintained in the administering doctor’s office. Only a statement attesting to the individual’s health and  submitted by the examining doctor will be kept on file in the Superintendent’s office. 

3. Physical examinations may be administered by an individual’s family physician and the District shall pay that portion of the cost which is equal to the cost of the examination  administered by the District physician. The remainder of the cost will be borne by the  individual. 

4. Physical examinations, when required by Board Policy or state regulations, may be requested by an individual to be administered by the District physician and the expense  shall be borne by the District. The request should be made to the Office of the  Superintendent of Schools. 

5. The cost of a physical examination required for an individual by the Superintendent of Schools under A & B above, shall be borne by the District. 

Policy adopted: April 11, 2016 THOMASTON PUBLIC SCHOOLS Thomaston, Connecticut

Personnel -- Non-Certified 

Health Examination 

Chest X-Ray or Intradermal Test 

All employees upon initial employment shall present evidence of having submitted to examination  (chest x-ray, skin test, or other tests designated as acceptable by the Health Department) to  determine that they are free of active tuberculosis prior to commencing service and every four (4)  years thereafter or more often if directed by the Board of Education upon recommendation of the  local health officer. 

The Superintendent may require a medical examination of any non-certified employee whenever  the Superintendent has grounds to believe that the performance of the employee is adversely  affected by illness of any kind. 

(cf. 4118.14 - Communicable Diseases) 

Regulation approved: April 11, 2016 THOMASTON PUBLIC SCHOOLS Thomaston, Connecticut

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