

4119 Staff Conduct

The Board reaffirms one of the oldest beliefs in education: One of the best methods of instruction is that of setting a good example.

The Board expects that the staff of the District will strive to set the kind of example for students that will serve them well in their own conduct and behavior which will contribute toward an appropriate school atmosphere.

To that end, in dress, conduct, language, and interpersonal relationships all staff should recognize that they are being continuously observed by students while on duty or attending school functions or activities and that their actions and demeanor will be reflected in the conduct of the students.

The personal life of an employee will not be the concern nor warrant the attention of the Board unless it directly prevents the employee from effectively performing assigned functions during duty hours, or as it violates local, state, or national law or contractual agreements.

All staff members have the responsibility to become familiar with, and abide by, the laws of the State of Connecticut as they may affect their work, the policies of the Board, and the administrative regulations designed to implement them. All staff members shall be expected to carry out their assigned duties, support, and enforce Board policies and administrative regulations, submit required reports, protect District property, oversee students, and contribute to the education and development of the District’s students.

The Superintendent and School Principals shall assume the major responsibility for interpreting this policy.

Federal Compliance

All employees will be provided with an explanation of both their responsibilities and their rights under law in terms of the actions they may take to maintain order, discipline, and an appropriate educational environment. Training will be provided that defines approved actions and informs employees that they may be liable for harm when they engage in criminal, grossly negligent or reckless conduct, or act with flagrant indifference to the rights and safety of another person who suffers harm as a result. The Superintendent will develop rules that prescribe the circumstances under which the District administration and/or parents/guardians are to be notified of actions taken, any written documentation of actions taken that is necessary, and other appropriate procedures including staff training.

Legal Reference:    20 USCA – No Child Left Behind

Policy adopted: May 9, 2022 THOMASTON PUBLIC SCHOOLS Thomaston, Connecticut

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