

4222.1 Title 1 Paraprofessionals

A Title I paraprofessional is an individual who provides instructional support for students in a Title  I Schoolwide or Targeted Assistance Program, supported with Title I, Part A funds. 

Title I paraprofessionals may perform the following instructional support duties: 

  • One-on-one tutoring for eligible students if the tutoring is scheduled at a time when the student would not ordinarily be receiving instruction from the regular teacher
  • Assist in classroom management 
  • Conduct parent involvement activities 
  • Assist in computer instruction 
  • Provide instructional support in a library or media center 
  • Act as a translator 
  • Provide instructional support services under the direct supervision of qualified teachers 

Title I paraprofessionals may assume limited non-instructional duties, even if they benefit non-Title I students, in the same proportion to their total work time as non-Title I paraprofessionals. 

Title I paraprofessionals do not include individuals who have only non-instructional duties such as providing technical support for computers, providing personal care services or performing clerical duties. 


Title I paraprofessionals, regardless of hiring date, must have earned a secondary school diploma or its recognized equivalent (except for those who act as translators to enhance the participation of limited English proficient students or whose activities consist solely of conducting parent  involvement activities.) 

Title I paraprofessionals must have: 

1. Completed at least two years of study at an institution of higher education or  obtained an associate’s or higher degree; or 

2. Demonstrated through a formal local academic assessment the knowledge of and  ability to assist in instructing, as appropriate: 

a. Reading/language arts, writing and mathematics; or 

b. Reading readiness, writing readiness, and mathematics readiness

(cf. 4222 – Teacher Aides/Paraprofessionals) 

(cf. 6159.1 – Teacher Aides) 

Legal Reference:

42 U.S.C. 653(a) Personal Responsibilities and Work Opportunity  Reconciliation Act 

15 U.S.C. et. seq., Fair Credit Reporting Act 

20 U.S.C. Section 1119(c), No Child Left Behind Act of 2001 

20 C.F.R. 200.59 Federal Regulations 

NOTE: The requirements outlined in this policy apply to all paraprofessionals who work in a  school that qualifies as a Title I Schoolwide Program, whether or not their salaries are paid with  Title I funds. For Targeted Assistance Programs, only those paraprofessionals who provide  instructional support to students in the Title I Program are subject to the requirements. 

Policy adopted: April 11, 2016 THOMASTON PUBLIC SCHOOLS Thomaston, Connecticut

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