
Series 5000: Students

5010 Goals and Objectives

The Board of Education believes that all students have a right to an education which is based on  standards of excellence, which stresses rigorous demands and which serves to expand students'  personal horizons. The Board believes that the education of each student is the shared  responsibility of students, parents, faculty, and administrators. The Board also recognizes that  students differ in their interests and abilities and therefore the district offers a comprehensive  program consisting of a variety of learning experiences. 

The Board believes that an important function of the school is to prepare students for participation  in our American democratic society. The Board seeks to improve the intellectual, emotional,  social, and physical capacities of all students. The Board encourages the development of thinking and communication skills, the tolerance of and responsibility for others, and the understanding of varied cultures and life styles. 

In order to implement this philosophy, recognizing that elementary, middle and high school education are important steps in a lifelong process, the Board of Education establishes the following  objectives: 

A. To teach the essential skills traditionally associated with the various disciplines.

B. To develop the four communication skills of listening, speaking, reading, and writing. 

C. To extend and refine the students' ability to comprehend, interpret, and evaluate printed, visual, and aural material. 

D. To develop critical thinking. 

E. To further the students' development of self-awareness, self-discipline, and self-esteem.

F. To promote the physical well being of all students. 

G. To promote creativity and appreciation of the arts, humanities, and sciences. 

H. To encourage students to consider both the alternatives to and the consequences of their actions in the decision making process. 

I. To present career options and to assist students in setting tentative goals.

J. To help the student appreciate that learning is integrated and continuous. 

Policy adopted: February 12, 2018 THOMASTON PUBLIC SCHOOLS Thomaston, Connecticut

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