
Series 5000: Students

5111 Admission/Placement/Withdrawl

District schools shall be open to all children five years of age and over who reach age five on or before the first day of September of any school year. Each such child shall have, and shall be so advised by the  appropriate school authorities, an equal opportunity to participate in the program and activities of the  school system without discrimination on account of race, color, sex, religion, national origin, sexual orientation, or gender identity or expression. Students who are classified as homeless under federal law, and therefore do not have a fixed residence, will be admitted pursuant to federal law and district policy.  There is an expectation that children will be toilet-trained prior to entry into school. For children who  have not completed their toilet-training at the time of registration, a planned approach will be developed  collaboratively with the child’s family which will support successful completion of toilet-training prior to  entry into school. No child not yet toilet-trained at the time of registration shall be discriminated against  due to their toilet-training status. 

The parent or person having control of a child five years of age shall have the option of not sending the  child to school until the child is six years of age. The parent or person having control of a child six years  of age shall have the option of not sending the child to school until the child is seven years of age. 

The parent or person shall exercise such option by personally appearing at the school district office and  signing an option form. The district shall provide the parent or person with information on the educational  opportunities available in the school system. 

According to Connecticut General Statute 10-76d (b2), special education will be provided for children  who have attained the age of three and who have been identified as being in need of special education, and whose educational potential will be irreparably diminished without special education. If a special  education student is being considered for an exception, the Planning and Placement Team (PPT) will make  a recommendation to the administrator in charge of special education. 

Each child entering the district schools for the first time must present, at a minimum, proof of residency  in the Town of Thomaston, Connecticut, a birth certificate or offer legal evidence of birth data, as well as proof of a recent physical examination and required immunizations. If the parents or guardians of any  children are unable to pay for such immunizations, the expense of such immunizations shall on the  recommendation of the Board, be paid by the town. Proof of domicile shall also be requested. 

Any child entering or returning to the district from placement in a juvenile detention school, the  Connecticut Juvenile Training School, or any other residential placement, shall have the educational  records of such child provided to the Superintendent of Schools by the Department of Children and  Families (DCF) and the Judicial Department. Such information will be shared with the Director of Pupil Personnel Services and the Principal of the school to which the student is assigned. The Principal shall disclose such information to the staff who teach or care for the child.

Placement - Preschool Three Program 

The Preschool Three Program shall be open to all children who reach age three on or before the first day  of September of the school year of intended enrollment. Children who reach age four or older on or before  the first day of September of the school year of intended enrollment do not qualify for the Preschool Three  Program. All residency and registration requirements must be met prior to enrollment. 

There is an expectation that children who reach age three will be toilet-trained prior to entry into school.  For children who have not completed their toilet-training at the time of the Preschool Three Program  registration, a planned approach will be developed collaboratively with the child’s family which will  support successful completion of toilet-training prior to entry into the Preschool Three Program. No child  not yet toilet-trained at the time of the Preschool Three Program registration shall be discriminated against  due to their toilet-training status. 

Annually, if seats are available in the Preschool Three Program, the District shall enroll all applicants who  reach age three on or before the first day of September of the school year of intended enrollment who have  met all residency and registration requirements by the first day of February of the prior school year.  Applicants who reach age four on or before the first day of September of the school year of intended  enrollment shall not be considered for the Preschool Three Program. 

Annually, if more qualified applicants exist than the number of seats available in the Preschool Three  Program, a Preschool Three Program public lottery will be held no later than the fifteenth day of February  of the prior school year to determine which applicants shall be enrolled in the Preschool Three Program  for the subsequent school year. Applicants not selected for enrollment through the Preschool Three  Program public lottery shall be placed on the Preschool Three Program Waitlist for the school year of  intended enrollment in the order drawn during the Preschool Three Program public lottery. The Preschool  Three Program Waitlist shall apply to only the named school year. 

Placement - Preschool Four Program 

The Preschool Four Program shall be open to all children who reach age four on or before the first day of  September of the school year of intended enrollment. Children who reach age five or older on or before  the first day of September of the school year of intended enrollment do not qualify for the Preschool Four Program. All residency and registration requirements must be met prior to enrollment. 

There is an expectation that children who reach age four will be toilet-trained prior to entry into school.  For children who have not completed their toilet-training at the time of the Preschool Four Program  registration, a planned approach will be developed collaboratively with the child’s family which will  support successful completion of toilet-training prior to entry into the Preschool Four Program. No child  not yet toilet-trained at the time of the Preschool Four Program registration shall be discriminated against  due to their toilet-training status.

Annually, if seats are available in the Preschool Four Program, the District shall enroll all applicants who  reach age four on or before the first day of September of the school year of intended enrollment who have  met all residency and registration requirements by the first day of February of the prior school year.  Applicants who reach age four on or before the first day of September of the school year of intended  enrollment shall not be considered for the Preschool Four Program. 

Annually, if more qualified applicants exist than the number of seats available in the Preschool Four Program, a Preschool Four Program public lottery will be held no later than the fifteenth day of February  of the prior school year to determine which applicants shall be enrolled in the Preschool Four Program for  the subsequent school year. Applicants not selected for enrollment through the Preschool Four Program  public lottery shall be placed on the Preschool Four Program Waitlist for the school year of intended  enrollment in the order drawn during the Preschool Four Program public lottery. The Preschool Four Program Waitlist shall apply to only the named school year. 

Placement – Kindergarten 

Kindergarten shall be open to all children who reach age five on or before the first day of September of  the school year of intended enrollment. Children who reach age five or older on or before the first day of  September of the school year of intended enrollment do not qualify for the Preschool Four Program. All  residency and registration requirements must be met prior to enrollment. 

There is an expectation that children who reach age five will be toilet-trained prior to entry into school.  For children who have not completed their toilet-training at the time of Kindergarten registration, a  planned approach will be developed collaboratively with the child’s family which will support successful  completion of toilet-training prior to entry into Kindergarten. No child not yet toilet-trained at the time  of Kindergarten registration shall be discriminated against due to their toilet-training status. 

Placement – General 

Children who apply for initial admission to the district’s schools by transfer from nonpublic schools or from schools outside the district will be placed at the grade they would have reached elsewhere pending  observation and evaluation by classroom teachers, guidance personnel, and the school Principal. After  such observations and evaluations have been completed, the Principal will determine the final grade  placement of the children. 

Children who have attained the age of nineteen or older may be placed in an alternative school program  or other suitable educational program if they cannot acquire a sufficient number of credits for graduation 

Withdrawal - General 

In the best interest of the student being withdrawn from Thomaston Public Schools, written notification  of withdrawal shall be provided to Thomaston Public Schools by the student’s parent/guardian no later  than ten (10) school days before the withdrawal date. 

Withdrawal – High School 

The parent or person having control of a child sixteen or seventeen years of age may consent to such child’s withdrawal from school. The parent or person having control of a child seventeen years of age  shall exercise this option by personally appearing at the school district office to sign a withdrawal form. Such withdrawal form shall include an attestation from a guidance counselor or school administrator of  the school that the district has provided the parent or person with information on the educational options  available in the school system and in the community. 

Children who have attained the age of seventeen and who have terminated enrollment in the district’s  schools with parental permission as described previously and subsequently seeks readmission may be  denied readmission for up to ninety school days from the date of such termination, unless such child seeks readmission to a district school not later than ten days after such termination. In such case the child will  be provided school accommodations not later than three days after the requested readmission. 

(cf. 0521 - Nondiscrimination) 

(cf. 5112 - Ages of Attendance) 

(cf. 5118.1 - Homeless Students) 

(cf. 5141 - Student Health Services) 

(cf. 6171 - Special Education) 

(cf. 6146 - Graduation Requirements) 

Legal Reference:

Connecticut General Statutes 

10-15 Towns to maintain schools 

10-15c Discrimination in public schools prohibited. School attendance by five-year olds, as amended by PA 97-247


10-76a - 10-76g re special education 

10-184 Duties of parents (re mandatory schooling for children ages five to sixteen, inclusive) - as amended by PA 98-243, PA 00-157 and PA 09-6 

(September Special Session) 

10-186 Duties of local and regional boards of education re school attendance. Hearings. Appeals to state board. Establishment of hearing board. Readmission, as amended.

Legal Reference:

Connecticut General Statutes (continued) 

10-220h Transfer of student records, as amended. 

P.A. 11-115 An Act Concerning Juvenile Reentry and Education P.A. 23- 208, Section 1 An Act Making Certain

Revisions to the Education Statutes 

10-233a - 10-233f Inclusive; re: suspend, expel, removal of pupils 10-233c 

Suspension of pupils 

10-233d Expulsion of pupils 

10-233k Notification of school officials of potentially dangerous students. 

(as amended by PA 01-176) 

10-261 Definitions 

State Board of Education Regulations 

10-76a-1 General definitions (c) (d) (q) (t) 

10-76d-7 Admission of student requiring special education (referral) 10- 204a Required immunizations (as amended by PA 98-243) McKinney Vento Homeless Assistance Act, 42 U.S.C. §11431 et seq. Plyler vs. Doe

457 U.S. 202 (1982) 

Policy Revised: December 11, 2023 THOMASTON PUBLIC SCHOOLS Thomaston, Connecticut

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