
Series 5000: Students

5112.3 Dropouts

Parents and/or guardians of children five years of age and over and under eighteen years of age,  are obligated by Connecticut law to require their children to attend public day school or its  equivalent in the district in which such child resides, unless such child is a high school graduate  or the parent or guardian of such child is able to show that the child is elsewhere receiving  equivalent instruction in the studies taught in the public schools. The parent or guardian of a  child sixteen or seventeen years of age may consent to such child’s withdrawal from school. For  the school year commencing July 1, 2011 and each school year thereafter, the parent or guardian of a child seventeen years of age may consent to such child’s withdrawal from school. The  parent or guardian shall exercise this option by personally appearing at the school district office  to sign a withdrawal form. Such withdrawal form shall include an attestation from a guidance  counselor or school administrator of the school that the district has provided the parent or  guardian with information on the educational options available in the school system and in the  community. 

The administration, guidance staff and faculty of the school system shall extend every possible  effort to the end that each student may meet with success in his/her school program, have a  favorable school experience and earn a diploma. Every attempt will be made to identify the  potential dropout and to provide the appropriate resources in order to assist such students. 

If the drop-out rate of the District is determined to be 8% or higher in the previous school year,  the Board of Education shall establish an on-line credit recovery program for those students who  are identified as being in danger of failing to graduate. These students, once identified by  certified personnel, must be allowed to complete on-line District-approved coursework toward  meeting high school graduation requirements. Each high school within the District shall  designate, from among existing staff, an online learning coordinator to administer and coordinate  the online credit recovery program. 

Any student who seeks to drop out of school shall be referred immediately to a guidance  counselor or school administrator. The student, if under eighteen years of age, must present to  the guidance counselor or administrator the required written parental consent of his/her  withdrawal. If the student is at or above the age of majority no such parental consent shall be  sought. A student under age eighteen shall not be allowed to withdraw who has not presented  such parental consent. 

The interval between the student’s announcement of his/her desire to leave and the possible  presentation of the written consent will be used to attempt to dissuade the student from leaving  and to resolve his/her problems so that he/she might continue in school and finish satisfactorily.

(cf. 5111 - Admission) 

(cf. 5112 - Ages of Attendance) 

(cf. 5113 - Admission/Excuses/Dismissal) 

(cf. 5113.2 - Truancy) 

(cf. 6146 - Graduation Requirements) 

(cf. 6172.6 - Virtual/Online Courses) 

Legal Reference:

Connecticut General Statutes 

10-184 Duties of parents as amended by PA 98-243, PA 00-157and PA  09-6 (September Special Session) 

10-199 through 10-202 Attendance, truancy - in general. 

10-221a High school graduation requirements. (as amended by P.A. 00- 124, An Act Concerning High School Diplomas and Veterans of World  War II, P.A. 00-156, An Act Requiring a Civics Course for High School  Graduation and P.A. 08-138, An Act Concerning High School Credit for  Private World Language Courses, Other Subject Areas) and P.A. 10-111,  An Act Concerning Education Reform in Connecticut. 

Policy adopted: February 12, 2018 THOMASTON PUBLIC SCHOOLS Thomaston, Connecticut

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